Chapter 2

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I took a few steps backward, turned around, and began to run like hell, and the yellow-boot man started to chase me.

"Oh fuck, fuck fuck..." I said to myself as I ran, "Why on earth did I choose a serial killer to talk to!"

I ran so fast I thought I'd lost him because I  could not see him anymore behind me, so I hid behind a car, "Oh... That was close," I said as I looked to the car window and saw my reflection: — just exactly the way I saw it in my vision.

I let out a tired breath. This has never happened before, never I have seen my future before.

Something is different tonight, I can sense it; Something was about to happen.

"Oh God! Am not ready to die yet. I still want to go on a date, go to the cinema, and have my first kiss under the full moon. I can't die tonight."

I heard a crack and turned back, — "Fuck!" he found me.

"Here you are..."

Fear crippled me at the sound of his voice, and I fell on my butt, "Fuck this hurt." my breathing was trembling as I began to crawl backward slowly with my hands and butt dragging on the floor.

He took a step one after the other slowly toward me with a devilish smirk on his face, he said, "I don't know how you come to know what you know, and I don't know what you know, but I know I have to kill you. I hope you understand me, right?"

He said like he was trying to reason with me. "What kind of psycho is this?"

With a shaky voice, I pleaded, "Please, please. I won't tell anyone. Please. Let me go."

"You won't tell what?"

Wiggled my head trembling in response. "No no no."

"Oh, how I wish that is true, but we both know it not, and I can't allow you to tell anyone... Whatever it is you know!!! That's why I just can't let you go."

He brought out a small knife.

"Oh God please!" I cried out.

"I will be quick, it will be painless. I promise you won't feel a thing." He bent down in front of me.

"No no no no no no... I can't die like this. I can't die like a street cat!" tears running down my chin like a heavy raindrop.

"Shi, shi shi... It will be over soon!" he whispered.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to shut my body down. "If taking this man down means taking the whole city down; that is the price am willing to pay. Am not dying like this."

I squeezed my eyes so tightly, but ... Nothing. "What the.. Now will be a perfect time for you to show up." My voice trembling as I whispered to myself.

Suddenly I heard a loud voice. "LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS!!!" A man shouted from behind.

Immediately, I opened my eyes.


Yellow boot man turned around.

I looked closely, the man was in a cop uniform, holding out his gun. "Drop the knife, kick it to me gently." the cop commanded.

"My God! Superheroes do exist. Showing up out of nowhere like Clark Kent. God does work in mysterious ways."

The yellow boot man dropped the knife and kicked it towards the cop. With his hands lifted in the air, he whirled back and looked at me on the ground with my glossy eyes. "You lucky bitch!" he whispers angrily.

"Oh dear... You have no idea."

One of the cops who was a female moved forward to cuff the yellow-boot man and took him to the car.

The male cop came closer with a jacket, he wanted to put it on me, but I got up quickly so he would not touch me.

"It's okay, am not going to hurt you," he reassured.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I was still in shock, I mean I was just about to be slaughtered by a psychopath killer.

I've experienced other people being brutally murdered and felt their pain, but none feel like this.

— This time, it was actually me.

That was a close call. If there was any right time for you to kick in, that should be a perfect time. Why can't I shut down when I wanted to?

"Are you okay?" Or do my powers know the hero is coming? "Are you hurt?" he asked.

I shook my head, "No." without speaking out.

"What's your name miss?"

I looked at the cop, without response and began to walk. I have to get out of here.

He walked faster and got in front of me, using his arm to block my way. My gaze followed his arm to his face, "I'm sorry but I can't let you go. You need to come with us."

I looked at him and suddenly I got afraid. This is strange, I've never been this afraid before.

Maybe it because I had lived In New York for a while and I know the drill. They will want me to tell them what I know; and once that happens, my life will never remain the same: If the world finds out about me, two things will happen: either they lock me up for being insane or they send me to be a lab rat.

Either way, none is looking good for me right now.

"I guess something truly was about to happen. And this is worse than death'.

"If you can't tell me your name, can I see your ID?" the cop requested.

"I don't have an ID. Oh!" I exhale out exhausted.

"You have to tell me something, Miss."

Looking up at the cop, I knew I had no choice, and remaining silent wouldn't work for so long.

Reluctantly I said, "My name is Jade. Jade Benson."


Thank you for reading. I appreciate you for stopping by.

Sorry for the typo errors, this book has not been edited. This is the first draft.

Thank you for voting and your comments. I appreciate it.


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