Chapter 8

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He breathed under the black bag, listening to the footsteps coming closer till they stopped behind him, and the bag was removed from his head.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he groaned, "Ha," and immediately turned away his face from the brightness of the light.

Slowly his eyes were clearing off, and he was able to see. He turned to his side and saw Jade with her eyes closed.

"Jade, are you okay?" she nodded yes, without opening her eyes.

She seems angry.

He scanned around and saw Senator Betty talking to some guys in black suits.
"What do you want from us?" Wilson said with a loud voice.

Senator Betty glanced at him and returned to the men he was talking to.

Wilson could not hear what he said but he saw the men in suits nod their heads, and moved back.

"You awake... Good." Betty said as he walked toward them.

"What do you want? Do you realize this is a felony... Kidnapping a police officer?" he said as he struggled to free his hands from the chair.

"Kidnap? Hm... I don't know what you're talking about." Betty said sarcastically and looked to his right to the guard standing by, he signaled with his head toward Jade and Wilson.

The guard moved closer and untied them. Then brought a chair for Betty to sit on.

He was the same guy that Jade fell on earlier at the station.

Wilson's gaze followed him till he went back to his post, and back to Jade whose eyes were still closed

Turning his head back to Senator Betty, "You put a bag on our heads, forced us into your van, and brought us here without our corporation; what do you call that!?" he accused angrily.

"Officer Wilson, I think you are misunderstanding me. I just want to have a chat with you."
  Betty rested his back and crossed his legs with his hands folded on his lap.

"But it can either be a conversation or interrogation; that depends on your corporation.

"Besides, there is no evidence that I kidnap you, and I suggest you don't cause any trouble, because right now, both Joe and your partner believe you left..." glanced at Jade, "With her."

"And I believed that would not be a surprise to them anymore. Since you left with her before.

"So, I will suggest you calm yourself down. Or else, your leaving will be all anyone knows of you. — Both you and your pretty girlfriend over here."

Jade scoffed softly.

"Oh, that funny?" He asked Jade.

Wilson glanced at her and back to Betty, "Are you threatening us?"

"You're in my black site and you're asking if am threatening you?"

Wilson scanned his surroundings,
    —The walls were bulletproof, and there were no exits or windows.


Robbing her hand on her other wrist, she said with a commanding tone after a long silence,
     "What do you want Senator Betty? It has been a long night for me and I have to get some sleep. So get to the point, and I will suggest you make it quick," she said boldly as she opened her eyes, raising her head slowly.

Betty and Wilson turned their face towards her.

—Wilson looked amazed and shocked at her tone.

"I guess you're the one I should be talking to.
     So I will get straight to it as you suggested. It has been a long night for all of us indeed.

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