Chapter 3

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I knew right there that things were never going back. The life I had a couple of hours ago was gone.

I knew everything was about to change.

Funny I had lived in the dark for over a decade, and nothing like this ever happened, nor was I ever in a position to be talking to anyone in authority.

This is not good.

Thinking about it now, the last time I had an encounter with anyone, — they were trying to rape me.


The serial killer earlier was another person I had spoken to in months.

And all of a sudden, I was standing in front of this cop, who seemed to be in his late thirties, about 6.2ft tall I think; looking like a perfect living statue in his cop uniform.

"Oh! How I wish this is a dream." A smile escaped my mouth as my eyes lingered on his lips and traced them down his arms, "I can think of one or two things I would like to do to you... Handsome cop."

"Miss, you need to come with me." he requested.

"Hun?" I responded distracted and shook my head off the naughty thought.

Lifting my lashes at him, accidentally my eyes glued to his blue eyes and searching through them unintentionally, I immediately looked away before I got into another vision trouble.

"Why do I have to go with you?" I said sharply, "I have something important to do and you caught your killer..."

"Our killer?" he slanted a questioning gaze at me, "he hasn't killed Wait a minute?" he paused a bit, whirled back to the yellow boot man, then back at me. "Are you saying—" Tilting his head... "Are you talking about the tunnel murder?"

"Oh shit, they don't know he's the one. Fuck fuck fuck!" I fold in my lips to close them shut.

"Miss, what do you know? Why was he trying to kill you? What makes you think he is the killer?"

"If you don't already know, how do you find out he was trying to kill me here?"

"We didn't. We were driving from the crime scene when my partner saw you running from afar and we came after you."

"So you don't follow him from the crime scene?"

"No, we don't."
   Lowering his voice, "he was the killer?" I nodded, Yes. "how do you know?"

I glued my lips together again and swallowed hard my saliva, "Must I answer that?"

"Yes. Or else we can't charge him with murder."

"But he just tried to kill me! Isn't that enough?" I said defending my case.

"Unfortunately, no. That was an attempt to murder."

"But with that, he can be locked away; yes?"

"Not if you're available to give your statement against him. Without witness or evidence, he will walk."

"I'm sorry, I can't," I said straight and turned around to leave, but the cop grabbed my wrist to stop her departure.

"You shouldn't have done that!"

Immediately his hand touched me, I leaned back my head with my face towards the sky with a sharp intake of gasp like I was having a seizure.

— It is another vision.

'I saw the cop in uniform just like he was in front of me at that moment, and then his phone rang, he ignored the call and continued his conversation with someone, but I was unable to see who he was talking to.

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