Stubborn Little Wolf

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I couldn't help but stare as Hunter walked away from me toward the restroom. His broad shoulders looked like the back of a cobra, so firm, so strong, so...nice! It made me want to run my hands over his back muscles and bite his...Wait, what? No!

I closed my eyes, shaking my head. "Oh, get a grip, Abigail. What the hell is wrong with me? Did I just gawk over him?" I thought aloud as I heard him turn the water as he whistled and he started singing happily.

"You sure did, baby. You can come join me if you want," he yells out, making me grunt and fume in anger. Damn, our stupid werewolf hearing.

"Shut up, Hunter," I yelled back, making him chuckle. I mean, he didn't even bother closing the door to the restroom, and I know he was doing it on purpose. I couldn't help but peek in, and my eyes widened as I saw his naked body covered in a huge rainforest-like shower.

The bathroom was huge, probably five times bigger than my entire room back home. It had a nice beautiful bathtub inside, and a double vanity. It looked like he had many drawers inside for toiletries and spare towels along with beautiful quartz walls on one side, beautiful tiles on the floor, and glass walls on the end that matched the room.

But Hunter... my goddess, Hunter looked so damn hot. His biceps flexed beautifully under him, and his stomach muscles contracted with every move, making me bite my bottom lip. "No. I... I need to get out of here. What is wrong with me?" I scolded myself as I shut my eyes and shook my head in disbelief.

"Looks like someone is starting with the heeeeeeat!" Merida taunted, making me grunt frustratingly. "Merida, you are no help!"

"You know... I can feel his wolf. He's excited too. Why don't we go and join them, huh? Just for a little, you might like it in there. The water looks SO GOOD!"

"No," I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I can assure you that you'll have lots of fun in there, Abbie. You can't fight this. He's our mate!" Merida declares, making me groan. "Be quiet, Merida. You and Titus are no help." I say, making her chuckle.

"What am I supposed to do now? He's going to want me to stay here, and sleep in this room. I can't... I...I need to get out." I stuttered, unable to look away as he showered in there, whistling away.

"Oh, Abbie. Come on. Give him a chance. You're taking this rather childish. Stop being so stubborn. You've always wanted him, even when you didn't express it audibly to me, you and I know you wanted him to be ours. Now he is, why are you pushing him away?"

"We have a life away from this pack, Merida. Did you forget? I have school to finish. I need to look for a job, I need to get my life together. What about mom and dad? Jessie, and the pack?"

"Stop making excuses for yourself, Abbie. You have always loved him, even as a kid, you can't lie to me. I'm you, do you forget that? Why are you so adamant about having him reject you? Don't you want to be happy?"

"I do want to be happy. But,"

"But nothing. Hunter obviously wants to make this work, why can't you just give him a chance?"

"How do you know that? As far as I know, he's already tried and tasted all the girls he could get his hands on, so why should I settle for someone who didn't care to wait for me?" I closed my hands over my chest, finally being able to look away and walking toward the sitting area downstairs. 

"You don't know that!" Merida says, stomping her paws. She was getting irritated, but little did she remember, I was just as stubborn as she was.

"I do. Marissa said it herself. And yes, I know you are me, but for that same reason, you should remember everything she has told us. You do remember all her words, don't you?"

"I don't trust Marissa, Abigail! I really don't," Merida says, making me angry. She was being stubborn.

So what, She is now deciding that she doesn't like Marissa, really? She's been there for us through thick and thin. No one else ever stood up for me against my sister, Tara, and her friends other than Marissa. She did the same for people in my new pack who still don't think I belong there. I mean, there are not many who think this way, but the few who don't want me there have been pretty rude. Marissa has been the only one who has been there for me.

"Ok, I get it. Suddenly, you don't like her. But I do. She's my best friend, Merida."

"Bitch, you have me. You don't need her fakefriendship!"

"Merida!" I say, making her growl.

"She's hiding something, I know it. And if I find out that she lied to you about Hunter I am going to rip her head off." Merida says, continuing with her stubbornness.

"Merida, enough. You will not do such a thing, you won't need to, because she would never lie to me about what she has said about Hunter. She's the one that has stayed in contact with her pack and Hunter's, remember? How else would she have heard all the rumors?" I stated, making her growl again.

"And did you ever think maybe someone lied to her purposely?"

"Why would they?"

"Look at him? Look at that fine piece of ass, girl... he's scrumptious, and ALL YOURS!"

"Shut it, he is not!"

"Or... maybe someone obligated her to? Which... Even if they did, as your so-called friend she had the obligation to tell you the truth. You can cry and say all you want Abigail, but I KNOW she is hiding something! She is lying, I just know it, and fucking hell, Abbie, you are going to regret it. I hope for your fucking sake Hunter doesn't reject us because you are being so mean to him. Any other guy, especially an alpha like him, would not have taken your shit. You are being very disrespectful to our mate, Abigail, and I don't like it!" she says before grunting in frustration and blocking me out.

"Goddess, she is so.... AAAHHHH." I grunted audibly, running my hands through my hair from how frustrated I felt. I took a long sigh, letting the air out slowly as I tried to calm myself down. She's being so unreasonable, maybe it is a good thing for us to not talk for a bit. We need time to think things through.

I hear my phone beep, making me take my phone out and I see a new set of notifications.

"Your next payment for your tuition fee is overdue. Please make sure to pay by the eighth to avoid cancelation of your spring semester and losing your spot for upcoming classes." great. Just what I needed. I can not lose my classes. I just need two more semesters and I will officially be eligible to work anywhere as an elementary teacher.

I mean true, I have a degree in business, but what I truly wanted was to work with kids. I cannot let this happen.

I swiped to the next notification and my eyes widened, it was a notification that my phone had to be paid today or I would lose my phone service. Damn it. I logged into my bank app and groaned. I had forty dollars left to my name. Not even enough to pay off my damn phone, let alone the rest of my tuition fee. This was ridiculous. I need to find a damn job, and quickly. And not Hunter or Merida will stop me from getting my life in order.

I was not going to give up my dreams for this. For all I know Hunter just wanted to play around with me, and I will not be another number on his list.


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