15: Queens, Princes, Ministers

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As Court Lady Ma ran the comb through Bak Hayoon's long dark hair, the queen sighed. There was a breeze coming in through the balcony over the city carrying a prayer song. The night was warmer than the past ones and she hoped she would sleep better, not for the weather but for her dreams.

"There is another gray hair, Your Majesty."

Bak Hayoon took the tweezers from her vanity and promptly plucked the strand as though it were a blade of grass. She attributed all her gray hairs to her children. Choi Yoon-Su for his illness and Choi Yoon-Gi for his recklessness. She gripped her brush. Especially Choi Yoon-Gi.

"Be kind, Your Majesty. Remember your own well being," Court Lady Ma said. She placed a jar of cream on the vanity for the queen to apply as she did nightly.

Bak Hayoon sighed and began the ritual. "What is your opinion on things in the palace lately?"

"No one makes it obvious, but I know they are waiting to get a grasp on the crown prince to influence him. If they can send a woman of their household into the selection to become queen this will further give them a chance."

Bak Hayoon scoffed as she rubbed the cream into her hands. "When I was a girl I thought the only form of greed in the world was for silver and gold. To be greedy for a person; that is really where the blood begins to be shed."

"If you are still asking my opinion, I believe the crown prince is making good choices. He looks to Chief Aide Peerless above all. Even longing to call him friend."

Bak Hayoon laughed. "Friend? He wishes to have friends. What monarch ever had friends?"

"Your Majesty I do believe you consider Chief Aide Peerless to be a friend yourself. I believe he serves you in court, but has always maintained the friendship you had in your youth."

Bal Hayoon looked at her reflection. She wondered when she became so old. She was torn when it came to looking back on those years. She had been such a rebel but in some ways a happier person. "What about you, Court Lady Ma?"

"Your Majesty?"

"You have stuck by me as long as the chief aide? When we were young women together I asked you not to leave me. I asked you to give up your lover. Considering this, would you still call me a friend?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

"And not because I have forced you? Even if you could find him now do you think he would forgive you for choosing me over him?"

There was a hitch in Court Lady Ma's combing. "Your Majesty, you did not force me."

Bak Hayoon suppressed her smile. Turning slightly she patted Court Lady Ma's hand then let her finish combing.


The light chatter of the ministers filled the hall as they waited for Bak Hayoon and the crown prince. The day was warm. A yellow glow spilled through the windows bathing them all in its brightness. When the court manservant stepped forward Peregrine nudged Moses awake.

"Now arriving, Queen Bak Hayoon and the Crown Prince Kim Seo-Jun. Bow to the queen mother. Bow to the crown prince."

"Greeting, Your Majesty. Greeting, Your Royal Highness. May the queen mother live for 10'000 years. May the crown prince live for 10'000 more years."

"Now arriving, Grand Prince Choi Yoon-Gi."

The ministers bowed, their greeting a jumble of words as they watched the discontented prince stomp to the front of the room and stand before the throne.

"Why is he dressed like one of us?" Bronzefinch mumbled to Peregrine.

Bak Hayoon took her seat by the throne and looked out at the ministers. "Greetings. Today, Grand Prince Choi Yoon-Gi will join us and learn how a royal court is managed. As a grand prince it is vital, he finds his place in the palace. I am willing to accept any suggestions."

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