12: Funeral

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The streets of every town and city throughout Yellow Mountain were decorated in white. Candles burned in windows and flowers piled in the streets as businesses changed their hours. Many had shut up early and now signs sat in windows announcing the closures for the king's funeral.

Night rolled over the Royal City, hanging over the palace in silence as the guards and servants went about their duties.

Bak Hayoon's scream rent the air as she sprung awake in bed. The darkness of her bedchamber frightened her as she grabbed at her neck, trying to make sense as to where she was. Court Lady Ma rushed in to see to her, and Bak Hayoon immediately told her to send for Peregrine. Being that it was a court day, Tuesday-Friday, he would be in the Royal City overnight.

When Peregrine arrived, the rooms had been lit, and Bak Hayoon was dressed and sitting at her table. As he came in, she sent the attendants away. Pressing a puzzle piece in place, she beckoned him forward. "Help me with this. It was Choi Yoon-Su's gift to me when he was nine years old. I worked on it for two years and put it away. It's the four seasons; very complicated."

Peregrine stood by the table. "You seem to have a hand over it, Your Majesty."

"Why did I see him? Why did my precious son come to me and put his hands around my neck? Is he angry? Have I done something wrong as his mother? You must tell me."

Peregrine placed a piece. "I do not think it is any of these things, Your Majesty. Tomorrow, you are going to bury your son. It is hard on your body and mind. That would explain the dream."

"I cannot help to think he is cross with me. Why else would he trouble the kingdom with this mandate?"

"Dwelling on this matter could also be the reason for the dream."

"Hasn't anyone opposed the mandate?"


Bak Hayoon drummed her fingers. "But Retba is usually so opinionated. He always spoke boldly to Choi Yoon-Su. Do you mislead me?"

"I have never testified falsely."

"No man is that righteous."

"Your Majesty, now that we have talked, I think your nightmares will cease."

Bak Hayoon sighed. "Very well, you may go."

Peregrine went to the door.

"Peregrine, I am curious...who would you see as king?"

"That is difficult, Your Majesty."

"Not for a man of your intellect; knowing Choi Yoon-Su was going to die one day."

"Then I can only give you my most honest answer. I don't tamper with what is out of my hands." He took a step back and the doors slid open. "Good night, Your Majesty."

Bak Hayoon shook her head. "Good night, Peregrine." As the door slid shut, she returned to her puzzle.


The following evening, Akosua watched the field from her window. She looked to the purple sky as though she could expect to see the air balloons rise above the trees, but all activities were suspended. The king's funeral began that morning in the Royal City and just about everything nationwide had been shut up.

As the sound of drums and symbols filled the air, she rushed from her room into the parlor. From there she could see the school. Its gates were draped in white as though a great spider had set upon it. The staff and students stood out front watching the procession with candles and lanterns like fireflies snared in the web.

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