38| mail

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Everything had been so perfect until I checked my phone. I silently cursed myself in my head for it as my hands shook slightly causing Landon to notice.

With him by my side I had completely forgotten about the whole situation that went down last night and James. I couldn't have been more grateful for him staying the night with me, if he didn't I don't know what I would've done with myself.

Lydia hadn't known what was going on and decided to stay at the club with Blake after we left.

I didn't want to worry her so she could have fun and decided to tell her once she got home but im guessing she stayed over at the boy's house since I haven't seen her since.

With worry filling my head I felt like I couldn't even think straight. I flipped my phone around to show Landon what I was seeing since I felt like I couldn't speak.

Can't hide behind your boyfriend forever, Avery.
* 1 unopened image *

"What the fuck" Landon's eyes widened after reading the text. "What's the picture?"

"I'm not sure. I don't want to open it" I said as I blinked away the tears. I tried to fight them for as long as I could but I had no clue what this boy wanted!

"Do you want me to?" He suggested pointing back at the phone that I had now turned off and placed face down.


My stomach twisted as he reached over for it. I had no idea what this creep still wanted from me, I thought at least after last night he would leave me alone.

Before I knew it, he was on his feet with anger clear on his face.

"What was it? Where are you going" I quickly spit out. Now I was more than worried.

He hadn't said a word, only dropped my phone down to the bed before walking out of my room. I slowly inched down to see what he had saw when it felt like my heart had stopped.

The picture was my front door, I knew it was mine since the dorm number was on the front and Lydia had placed some cute butterfly decorations on it.

I quickly shot up to my feet and followed Landon.

"Is he here?" I quietly asked from behind the half open door.

Landon had been right outside of it, looking down each hallway.

"I don't see him. Guess he was to scared to be here when you saw the text" His brows furrowed as he talked.

He was always one to control his anger the best, especially out of all the boys he lives with but he's made it very clear to James for him to stay away.

"What's that?" My eyes fell onto the floor where a plain white envelope was.

"God could he get any creepier? I don't even want to know what's inside" Landon rolled his eyes before picking it up and walking back in, closing and double locking the door.

"I'll open it" I had made my mind up. I wasn't going to let this boy scare or threaten me anymore. It also helped that I had Landon with me to calm my nerves. I believed him when he said he would always protect me.

Tearing open the fragile white paper, photos fell onto the table. He had definitely earned the stalker name, some of these were taken weeks ago!

"This is so creepy!" Landon stood up in shock. "I know you don't want to but we have to do something about this"

I didn't want to agree but how else was this supposed to end? I had no idea why James was doing this or when he would stop and I honestly was getting more and more scared.

"Okay, we can. This is too far" I replied while flipping through the pictures.

The one that caught my eye was me walking back to my dorms. My heart dropped at the fact I had no clue he was around. The others were me around campus, going to class, and even hanging out with Lydia.

I noticed none were with Landon, it was like he had no interest in watching me when I was with him.

"Makes sense, he was too scared to talk to you when I was there" His face was now hard.

"Who do we even tell?" I asked curiously. It's not everyday you're put into a situation where you have to get rid of a stalker.

"We can let the dorm advisors know so he can't be let back in here. He doesn't even dorm, he has a off campus house too. If you want we could also file a report to the cops" He rubbed a comforting hand down my back as I thought over the options.


It had only been half an hour later but we were already on the move. Our first stop was the dorm office to let them know what's been going on.

After waiting what felt like forever to get seen, a pair of high heels clicked against the hard wood floor as Mrs. Vonnel approached us.

"Hi, you two wanted to see me?" She questioned as she looked through her schedule in her hands.

"Yeah, we have a serious problem" Landon answered for us. He had calmed down and was now ready to take action.

I swallowed the lump in my throat while my knee bounced. I'm not sure why I was so anxious, I wanted him to face the consequences but I was nervous he would retaliate.

"Okay. Follow me this way to my office" She lead us into a room before closing the door. We had both taken a seat in front of her large, organized desk.

"So what seems to be the problem?" Fixing her glasses as she sat, she sat straight up looking very professional. 

"I have a stalker. He's been following and harassing me during class and even following me back to my dorm" I explained.

Landon had reached towards his back pocket to pull out the envelope of pictures.

"I'm not sure how he even gets into her dorm since he lives off campus" He added.

"I see, this is a very serious problem" Her face morphs into shock as she opens a draw and pulls out another paper. "Do you know this students name?"

"James Locke"

"Okay great" She begins to write something down before looking back up at me empathetically.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Avery and I assure it will be dealt with. He'll no longer be able to enter any dorms on this campus and we'll switch him out of your classes. Please let the dean know if the situation worsens"

"Thank you" Sending her a soft smile, Landon and I stood from our seats and exited.

"Well that went better than I expected. I'm glad she was so nice" I had already felt better about what was going on.

"I know. This way if he finds a way to bother you again we can go straight to the cops since he has restricted access from you now" He threw his arm around my shoulder as we walked into the parking lot and to his car.

"Thank you for being here during this and helping me out, I would've been way more freaked out and scared without you" I leant my head into his shoulder.

"Anything for you"

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