36| run in

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As I walked into my first class of the day, my paper that had taken me 3 hours to finish last night sat in my arms. Usually it wouldn't have taken me that long but I had no clue what to write it on.

My book bag was slung over one of my shoulders walking slightly faster than usual.

With the weather going into full fall mode now, the slight breeze made it feel much cooler. I had thrown on a pair of leggings and a slightly oversized knitted sweater to fit.

Since I had stayed up so late working on homework, I missed my alarm! I woke up way later than I should've and had to rush to get here on time. Thankfully I spotted the classroom I needed to go in and bee lined it.

"Oh sorry!" A unfamiliar voice had snapped me out my trance as the hard figure came crashing into me.

My once perfectly neat stack of papers were now scattered across the floor. Great! Now i'll definitely be late.

"It's fine" I quickly replied without even looking up.

I shot down to the ground picking up each one, looking up occasionally to make sure my professor hadn't shut the door yet. He had made it clear from day one that if we were late and the door was closed there was no way of getting in after that.

"Here i'll help you. I'm sorry about that I didn't even see you" I looked up to see who had bumped into me.

I recognized him from my class but I've never spoken to him or got his name. He looked like the typical jock; light brown hair that fell over his forehead, tall, and muscular.

Not more muscular or taller than Landon though.

The team jacket he was wearing let me know that he had played for the schools football team. It made sense now that I had thought about it but since I didn't watch the sport I would've had no clue.

He handed over the pile he had collected before we both stood up. "Hi, James" He greeted once I had composed myself.

"Avery, nice to meet you. I'd hate to be rude but I really need to get to class" I said with a small smile before pointing to the classroom.

Looking at my phone I realized I had a minute left!

"Oh I have that class too. We could walk together" James had suggested.

I agreed solely for the fact that I needed to get in there. Shortly after we entered the professor, Mr. Clark, shut the door and began his lesson. I let out a breath of relief as I took my seat only to be shocked that James had joined me.

He usually sat in the rows further up with his friends or random girls.

I tried not to let it bother me but throughout the whole time Mr. Clark was talking I couldn't concentrate. Feeling a stare on me I didn't follow it because I knew who it belonged to already.

My phone dinged making me look down towards my lap. I smiled to myself when I noticed it was from Landon.

L <3:
Im so bored.

Same, can't wait to get out of this class!

L <3:
What class are you in now? I'll meet you there once it's done.

Business with Mr. Clark, room 305.

L <3:
You hungry?

A little bit I didn't have time for breakfast this morning.

L <3:
Okay we can stop and get something before I have practice.
See you soon gorgeous :)

I put my phone back down only to notice James still staring. Making eye contact this time hoping it'll shut it down but it only made it worse.

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