20| letting go

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I sat in the full lobby of the hotel, waiting with the rest of the students to be picked up to go to the airport. Since it was still early morning everyone sat around with tired eyes, ready to go home.

After our short interaction in the elevator, Avery had gone back to ignoring me.

All I could think about since last night was our kiss, how our bodies fell perfectly in sync and the soothing feel of her fingers running through my messy hair. To say I missed her was an understatement.

If only she heard me out. We could be back to normal and I wouldn't be stuck sitting next to Blake right now, who had also been at the other end of the stick from Lydia because of my actions. I guess I found my new partner.

"Dude. What happened between you two?" Blake nudged me, gesturing to the brunette.

"I fucked up" I signed, placing my head in my hands.

"I figured" He rolled his eyes. "Lydia's been ignoring me too y'know"

He patted my back with a straight smile as I went to explain.

"The first day we were here I texted her to come down while we were all by the pool, and of course, Valerie came up and sat on me. Avery watched her kiss me" I winced talking about it. I couldn't even imagine how she had felt seeing that.

He scoffed, "Good look luck man. Did you at least push her off?" Blake questioned to which I nodded my head.

"I guess she had walked off before that but still, I should've stopped her before she even kissed me. I wasn't expecting Valerie to be this psycho" My knee bounced up and down as I spoke. I knew she was obsessed but she took it too far this time.

"She's crazy. I'm sorry man I know how much you like her" He answered sympathetically.

"Thanks. Hopefully I can clear it up soon but she wants nothing to do with me" We watched as she sent us a hard glare. "See" I sighed.

"Alright kids! It's here, let's get with your partners and make sure you have everything be we leave" Mrs. Petis spoke over the chattering crowd, she held the clipboard that she had seemed to take everywhere with her. At least we knew no one was getting lost with her constant head counts.

I frowned as the girls rushed on to the bus, loosing my sight of her. Everyday that went on, I had felt like I was loosing more and more of her. The only reason I had wanted to come on this vacation was because of her, now it was over and we only spent the first day together before all this shit went down.

I was hoping after the other night I would get unblocked but no. As much as I missed her lips on mine I craved getting her back fully, more.

Avery's hard composure compared to her normal, glowing self was strange and it hurt knowing it was my fault.

But nothing could compare to the pain of seeing her happy and smiling with someone else, I wanted to rip the guys head off for touching her like that. I didn't care if they were dancing his sleazy moves told me all I needed to know about him. My fits curled at the memories of his hands all over her, trying to calm myself down as I sat in the window seat.

"Do you want the window seat?" I asked her.

"Yes! It's my favorite" She smiled widely, the sight was enough to make my heart swell.

I lowly chuckled to myself. Everything reminded me of her, or more that she didn't want to be in my life anymore. I had wished so badly I could re do that night.

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