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two weeks later

Heat rushed to the back of my head as I paced my room, looking through all my lists to make sure I had packed everything. Even with my medicine my anxiety was through the roof.

This trip would be the first time I'd be away from my mom and traveling basically by myself. Closing up my large suitcase that had been stuffed full, I placed my purse on top of it wheeling it to the stairs.

Since today would mostly be traveling, I opted for  a pair of comfy shorts and a pullover hoodie with a tank top under incase I got hot. Struggling to bring the luggage one step down, Easton's room door opened. Thank god.

"Need some help?" He offered with a small chuckle.

"Yes please" I sighed in relief. Quickly stepping away from it I let him take both of stuff down trailing right behind him.

"You excited? I can't believe our graduation trip is already here"

"Same, and yeah I was a bit overwhelmed while packing and preparing but I think it'll be fun" I smiled.

Our parents were waiting at the front door waiting to say our goodbyes, I was glad they both had each other while we were away.

Easton placed down our bags, going to hug his dad bye first while I made my way to my mom.

"Have fun sweetie, don't forget to send me pictures and be safe. I love you" She pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my head. Easton and I had swapped, saying goodbye to the other.

"Bye Greg, make sure my mom doesn't miss me too much" I joked going in for a hug.

"No worries Avery I will, have fun we'll miss you guys" He laughed in response. We waved one last final time before we were out the door and into his car.

We would be meeting the rest of the group at the school where they would bring us to the airport, thankfully we were on time for once. I couldn't have another thing stressing me out. The drive there was peaceful, it had just turned 5am and the sun was barely shining, giving the air a weird look.

He had parked his car in the sea of other seniors before we got out, grabbing everything we brought.

"The rest of the guys should be here already" Easton stated, looking around.

"Okay. I'm going to call Lydia to see where she is" I answered grabbing my phone from my purse.

"Hey, I just got here. Where are you?" I asked through the phone, one hand holding it to my ear and the other dragging my bags along.

"Great! I'm by the bus already" Lydia spoke cheerfully. I seriously needed whatever she was taking to be this happy.

"Okay see you soon" I giggled clicking my phone off after hearing her "bye".

We walked up to the large tour busses that would bring us to the airport. My eyes scanned the crowd looking for a particular curly head.

Once I spotted her, I quickly walked over startling her as I greeted her from behind.

"Ahh!" She screamed with an arm flying my way. "Oh it's you, I could've punched you!"

"Well thankfully you didn't" I laughed.

"Who are you sitting with?" She questioned.

"Oh shit. I didn't even think about that!" I began looking around in an panic.

"I should've brought it up sooner i'm sorry, I would sit with you but I already I told Blake I would" Lydia frowned.

"No it's okay don't worry. I'm sure one of the boys won't mind sitting with me" I reassured. I knew how much she wanted to spend some time with Blake and I wasn't going to stand in the way of that.

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