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The whole question here is:
"Am I a monster or a victim myself.!?!"


Y/n's POV:

"Did you check out the venue availability?"

"No! The fireworks should go off at 12 a.m."

"Did you get all the props ready?"

"I don't want any slip up in this plan. It should be perfect."

"Give your best!"

"No, no, no how could you get the day wrong?"

"Are you sure you can pull this through seamlessly. I am really starting doubt it. it is really a very crucial moment for me I want it to be concluded flawlessly."

She was stressed out with the proposal. She wanted everything to be perfect. And because everyone was getting on her nerves. She was walking back home but really needed some fresh air to cool her mind and calm her nerves. So, she headed to the park. When she was near the lake, she heard sniffles.

"Tae, is that you?"

"No, I am not. You are hallucinating."

"Can you keep your cockiness aside for a second and tell me what happened."

"Tae, what happened?"

"I wanna be alone."

"You can talk to me. Please tell me what is it?"

"Please Y/n it's hard. I really wanna be alone right now. Please go away. I am already stretching the last of my restraint."

"Please leave."

"No, I ain't leaving until you tell me."

"Y/n, please."

"No, Tae, I am not leaving until you tell me and if you are not ready to tell me now, I'll wait and sit with you, the evening is as it is very beautiful, and I don't mind spending it in the park." He knew she was stubborn. Nobody can fight her if she decides on something.

He didn't reply. She seats herself beside him. They sit in silence. The wind caressing their faces delicately. Cheeks turning pink due to the chilly weather. Y/n rubbing her hands together to keep away the cold while Tae being so lost in thought that the cold weather didn't bother him in the slightest. It was turning into a marvellous stargazing sight with the night sky shining with millions of stars. The lake imprinting the moon's reflection festooning it with the shadows of the trees.

"They died on my birthday Y/n. I killed them. I killed my parents. I was sick back then and I am sick now and that's why you need to stay away from me. I have a tendency to hurt people I love, and I don't wanna hurt you. I was pushing you away because I was scared once you know about my secret you wouldn't look at me the same way. I'd let you down. So, before you, leaving me, I started backing out of your life. It didn't end well." He forced out with his voice heavy as he was holding it in for too long.

Did he just confess to me indirectly?!?! I am losing it right now but there are more important things at hand. Kookie was right. He is really dealing with something huge and most painfully he blames himself which as it is, is very bad. I don't know how to comfort him. It hurts to see him so broken and fragile. I've never seen him like this.

"You are not hurting me, Tae. If I were to say it truthfully, you are the most wonderful person I've ever met. Don't you dare call yourself sick. And no matter how much you try to push me away, it'd be useless. I am stuck with you. I'll be by your side all the time. Whether you like it or not. And nothing like literally nothing can change what I think about you."

"You wouldn't say the same thing once you know the story, once you know what I had done."

"I am pretty sure I'll stay rooted to my words. So, wanna talk?"

He looked away in a distance. "We were a sweet family of three. They were the best parents I could ever ask for. We would go to the amusement parks, aquariums, parks, malls, movies, picnics whenever I wanted to. We would dine together and discuss the happenings of the day. I would tell them how teachers praised me when I did something fantastically or when I would be a given a star on my hand for my discipline, or when I got a new friend, they always seemed to really enjoy my talks. I could talk about anything with them. Dad would always bring me gifts while mom cooked me my favourite meals. My family completed me. They meant everything to me. It was pure bliss, and I couldn't have had anything better. This was my little world where only happiness and love prevailed. But as it is said happiness doesn't last long and just like that everything was gone. Vanished."

He clenched his fists and shut his eyes as though preventing himself from having a breakdown. She put her hand on his to ease him a bit and he did loosen up slightly.

"It was my sixth birthday and like every other birthday we had plans of going to the amusement park, watch an animation film and have dinner before heading home. We had just finished our movie and were heading off to a new restaurant which had opened just near the highway. We were all buckled in, and dad started driving when on our way I saw an ice cream parlour and I asked dad to get me an ice-cream." He sniffled. "He said we'll get it when we finish dinner. I had thrown tantrums of getting it just that instant. I had cried throwing my hands and legs in the air. Ultimately making him stop at the ice-cream parlour. In a flash, I was out of my seat skipping away to the ice-cream parlour paying no heed to my dad telling me to wait for him. Just as I was about to push the glass door of the parlour. I heard a blast." He paused recollecting himself. It was too hard for him to say it out loud. He had never told anyone about this. And having all this bottled up was getting tough for him. It was gruelling and consuming him.

"It was my dad's car. With both of them in it. When investigated, the officers said it was due to some technical issues that the car blasted." She takes his hand and clasps it in hers, rubbing circles on it with her thumb.

"And also, that my father couldn't get off sooner because his seat belt was stuck again due to technical difficulties."

"Only if I hadn't asked for an ice-cream. Only if I had listened to him and stayed in my seat. I would have gone wi~" She cut him in. He looked at her with tears glistening his eyes. She pulled him in a hug, rubbing his back to pacify his collapse.

"Don't you dare say that or think like that again. No one would have wanted that. And it wasn't your fault. The car was problematic, Tae. It had nothing to do with you asking for an ice-cream. No one blames you, Tae. Your parents never would have thought like that. They are happy that you are okay. They would've wanted nothing more than you, being happy."

"It's too difficult to live like this Y/n. I attract bad luck and misfortune like a magnet and look where it landed us."

"No, Tae, this was all a coincidence. It wasn't your misfortune or bad luck. Quit thinking stupid things." They stayed like that for a good moment.

"You have an excellent fortune. That's why you met me. didn't you?" she pulled away and winked at him.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." He said shaking his head.

"Hey!!!" she raised from her seat and spoke in protest.

"Thank you so much Y/n. No seriously. I am really grateful I found you. I hadn't told anyone about this, and it was eating me inside. I really appreciate you listening to me. I really needed talk."

"Anytime Tae."

"Okay, enough with the mawkish talks. I didn't plan to do it this way. But I feel like there wouldn't be a more accurate time than this one."



I am so sorry guys. I know I was gone for a prolonged period, but I was in no position to update. Extremely repentant for it but I got it covered now.

Finally, the long-awaited secret is here. Did you see this coming or had I covered up well.

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