XVII. I DO....

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AUTHORS NOTE: I have added some gifs ahead which I extracted from videos online. I don't own the videos. I have just put them to serve the purpose.

Happy reading my honey buns!!! 💜



Y/N's outfit: -
(I don't own the image... Credits to real owners)

 Credits to real owners)

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At Taehyung's house -

He moved out the living room table to a far corner to make enough space for them to dance. He got a paper for them to dance on. When Y/N was busy admiring and complimenting Tae's house, Taehyung pulled her in with a twirl. He seized her wrist and rolled her in towards him until she was pressed firmly on his chest. He moved his hands towards her waist to hold her in place. Then they finally made eye contact. His sparkly brown eyes met her deep black ones, portraying a variety of emotions; but no one amongst the two dared to make the next move. Just when they felt overwhelmed by their emotions which were now pushing them on pins and needles to confess, to kiss, to surrender to each other; the doorbell rang and Taehyung said "Maybe the food delivery is here. I'll get that." successfully excusing himself from the high-strung and volatile atmosphere leaving Y/N with her stupid thoughts.

He went and opened the door and indeed it was the delivery man. He collects the parcels and sets them on the dining table.

"Are you hungry, Buttercup?"


"Uh... Um. Not yet." How can he act so nonchalant. Did that moment mean nothing to him? Does he only see me as his bestfriend? Doesn't he feel the tingling sensations, the butterflies, the ridiculously rapid beating of heart? Am I forcing myself onto him? Are we indeed participating in the competition only for the sake of food?

But whenever I am with him, I feel a connection. It's like a string is pulling us together. Maybe it is all just in my head. We can be nothing more than friends and I need to drill that into my thick skull.


"Let's get started. Hm? Shall we?" Taehyung questioned. He spotted her lost in her thoughts murmuring lowly with her cute little pout conveying that she is upset. It doesn't even take the guy a flash to come to that conclusion. And here she is thinking he doesn't like her. Yeah right. He doesn't like her but love her.

"What's bothering you, Buttercup? Tell me. Is someone or something fretting you. I'll get everything under control. Just name it and you'll have it. Come rain or shine you are my only favourite tiny little being and I can't afford to set my eyes on you being the slightest bit sad. So, tell me what is it about? "

"It's nothing, Tae" he raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at her in suspicion. "It's really nothing. If something was actually disconcerting me, I would straight up come to you. You are the only one I have. (Something in Tae just exploded probably his heart due to the excessive glee and contentment that he felt in the moment. You are the only one for me. It kept replaying in his head like a broken cassette) So, don't trouble yourself over this. I was just anxious and tetchy thinking about our performance in the competition."

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