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They finally reach Taehyung's lockers victoriously overcoming all the hurdles but even after claiming their destination successfully Taehyung didn't give the impression that he was in a hurry. He stood there silently. Y/N was impatiently tapping her foot while looking here and there but when her eyes landed on Taehyung, she lost it, "Taehyung! We are gonna be late. What are you waiting for? An invitation?" she said disbelief clear in her voice.


"I forgot my password." He said awkwardly. And now the last straw of patience in Y/N was magnificently blown. "You what now!" "Forgot my password" Taehyung piped in still rubbing the back of his neck while looking down. "You know what Taehyung ask the teacher to spare you just this once." She said with finality in her tone and looking so done with his childish frolics. But she didn't know that there was more to it.

"She spares me all the time." He said nonchalantly as if he was stating facts. On the other side Y/N was so lost, angry, shocked at the guy's casualness. Her eyes flashed with rage and dumbfounded-ness at the same time. She was failing time and again to comprehend as to why Taehyung was doing what he was doing. But because she loved the dumbass, collecting herself she spat "WHAT!".

"Yeah, I never carry books." He said offhandedly looking here and there. His heedlessness was getting to Y/N. "What in the crackling crackers Taehyung! So why did we run all the way here!!? Why didn't you tell me at class!!? And most relevantly, why don't you carry books to class!!?" she whined in exasperation.

"To answer your least relevant first two questions as per you - I was bored." She just stared at him in disbelief for straight 10 seconds taking it all in and controlling herself from throwing hands at him. But before she could comeback with something to show him how much of a stupid prank his was, he spoke again. "And as for the books, God they're heavy. I don't work out to carry them, now do I!? I store in my head not in books."

Already cheesed off and done with him, Y/N just feebly asked, "Why would you do that?" flailing her hands dramatically at her sides.

Not able to take the dramatic side of his overly chirpy girl, who was standing there with a cute pout enveloping her face, Taehyung broke down in deep bellows of laughter. Y/N looked at him unbelievingly and the thought of leaving the dimwit there laughing by himself crossed her mind. But going back now would only result in her standing out of the classroom coz its already halfway into the class. So, she might as well waste some more of her time here with her handsome and know the reason as to why he was rolling on the floor laughing like a maniac.

When the last of his cackles left him and he was almost in tears with Y/N standing alongside hands on her waist hoping for him to halt and polish her with a response, he finally responded, "Calm down! Miss scholar, the teacher for the class is absent." Y/N was extremely ashamed of her behaviour from earlier. She was guilt-ridden and couldn't meet Taehyung's eyes. Feeling the awkwardness crawling in she immediately said, "Oh God! I am so sorry Taehyung for my unacceptable and undeniably doltish behaviour. It's just that I am too jittery lately with all the bundled-up work. I am putting in my all to make the ends meet and make things work. I am really apologetic for my regretful behaviour and also to have bothered you with my slow-wittedness."

"HEY! HEY! HEY! Relax. It's absolutely reasonable. I am aware of how it is with transferring schools. You have to cope up with new friends, new syllabus, and a new environment all together. But don't you worry I'll always have your back. I can aid you with everything. Be it notes or anything that you are wrestling with. Please know that you will always have me." He said turning her by her shoulders to face him while she was on the verge of crying. His words made Y/N's heart flutter. Her face turned to a dark shade of pink because she was overwhelmed with Taehyung's sweetness and kind words. "Thank you so much! Taehyung. I think I have got the best desk mate ever and maybe the best friend ever, if you don't mind that is." She smiled cutely with her button nose turning red due to her flabbergasted state.

Tae's pov [in mind]- Why is this cute little dwarf friend zoning me. I don't wanna be your friend, I am your one and only true lover, silly.

Y/N's pov [in mind]- It's still early to ask him out. It has been just a week since we met, since I transferred. I should get to know him first, stumble upon his feelings. What if he doesn't like me. I'll even lose the chance of having him as my ally.

Tae's pov [in mind]- Listen Tae, friends can always step up to become best friends then lovers his inner voice said. When his subconscious added then marriage and then children... okay stop you pervert I think you got the gist Tae. The base line to the whole discussion was friends can become lovers.

"Oh! ofcourse not. I don't mind having a silly, tiny little friend, (he said ruffling her hair) anyways, it has become quite boring being alone all the time." He said monotonously. On the other side Y/N was looking at him with spite filled eyes. "Excuse me! I am not little, mister. I am 5 ft and that. Is definitely not tiny." She grumbled in annoyance with her hands once again folding on her chest on their own accord. He just stared at her with a lopsided grin being whipped by her cuteness, while he was leaned on the locker sideways facing her.

"Oh! is it now." He said coming closer to her immediately overshadowing her.


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