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Author' s Note:

Italics depict scenes from the previous chapter.


"JUNGKOOK!!!" she squealed eyes illuminating joy.

The said guy turned around to find his dearest and loveliest bestfriend - who got transferred – waving fervently at him. The girl in question had fruitfully magnetised everyone's curious and probing gazes at her.

Y/N being completely and utterly driven by Jungkook's presence couldn't percept a certain someone glaring daggers at them, at a point even Jungkook felt a piercing gaze on them but he was too focused on his daisy to heed the irksome thought. And as for Y/N, she should undeniably be awarded as the most oblivious being of the planet. The lass can just blink out the world out of existence when doing something she ardours. Not many can do that; but also. Not. An attribute to tip over.

Jungkook came and squeezed her into a bone crushing hug. His bear hug embracing her small form almost left her gasping for air. She kept slapping and punching him in the back to release her.


Who the hell is that guy...?? why is he clinging on to my Y/N. Is he, her boyfriend? She had confirmed that she didn't have one though. But maybe they are in a secret relationship. The wheels started churning in his head.

 The wheels started churning in his head

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(No, no, no, Tae you don't wanna go down that lane. But they do seem close. Look how she is admiring him like he is some kind of idol she is in love with, his subconscious reasoned.) He just unwittingly bobs his head and hums at his inner voice letting it know that he was actually giving a mind to it. Although it was his mind that was insisting.

She never talked to me with those patently cute aegyos that I am having a hard time to look away from right now. He continued discussing with his subconscious.

I am so jealous. I am not that possessive but what's mine is mine. I rebuff sharing. I just wanna choke him, slam him and trust me when I say this because I don't bluff.

Why is he hugging her? Get away you little bug. You are choking her, you muscle monster. You,  bipolar piece of... she is struggling, Get Away.

"Yes. Daisy. I am." She craned her neck so quick that it's only a miracle that it didn't break. She launched herself on his buff shoulders, her small stature barely composing his hefty one into a deary hug.

Why is she giggling and looking so high in her spirits when just a second ago she was hammering him to release her. And now. WHY IS SHE HUGGING HIM.


She gave him a cheeky grin and started talking animatedly with him completely ignoring the presence of the third person present in the room.

The hinted third person so referred to as our main lead was totally out of the spotlight. His favourite person's attention was brutishly pocketed by the new doofus. He was staring, glaring, glowering and doing anything and everything in his power without voicing out anything cause duh, he was just her friend. But when he couldn't be wise anymore...

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