V. WHAT PANDA?!!!...

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"Oh! is it now." He said coming closer to her immediately overshadowing her.


She blinked slowly as though fully registering the situation before looking up at him with her big doe eyes then finally chuckling nervously before walking back just a little to make space. "You know what Taehyung we are getting late for our next class." "Oh! wait lunch time is on. Let's go to the cafeteria." She says excitedly pulling Taehyung by his arm and making him walk side by side, with her arm looped around his unknowingly. Taehyung was happy as pie. He was smiling secretly at the contact. He kept stealing glances at the vibrant and overly bubbly foodie which he claims to be his girl.

They finally reached the cafeteria. Y/N was so busy schmoozing about her devotion towards food that she would have almost missed the cafeteria if Taehyung hadn't interrupted, "Weren't you hungry?" "Huh?" "The cafeteria just passed by."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Oh! never mind. Let's goooo and relish our fill."

Tae's mind: How was I supposed to tell you that I was busy staring at your moving pink, soft, kissable lips better than looking out for that insignificant cafeteria. If I were to spill facts, the day you walked into the class you had my mind go in a frenzy. I couldn't think straight maybe because no one else caught my eyes and claimed my heart like you did. I didn't even know your name, but I somehow had a hunch that you were sent only for me, and I will always be there for you. There was a sudden urge to protect you. From that day on or precisely that second onwards I decided I would never let anyone harm or steal my precious treasure. You are my one and only strawberry. My dearest and sweetest!!

Taehyung was dragged out of his thoughts when Y/N called him, "What do you wanna have? you've been staring at the plates for quite some time now. They are serving good food today. If you don't wanna have, give me your lunch money, I have the superpower to have delicious food twice."

"You don't need to refine me with your superpower today. I'll give you a chance to charm me with it some other day. But today I am very well looking forward to savour the delicacies here. Better luck next time, panda 🐼." "What panda?!!! Do I look like a panda to you. Better take that back before I make you regret." He just called her panda because he finds her cute. But Y/N thought he called her panda because he finds her fat because she loves food.

"Okay. Okay. I am sorry Miss moody. Get some food into your system it's making you cranky." She just glared in response harshly taking her plate from the server. Immediately apologizing after. They both grabbed their lunch and sat together at a table near the window.

Everyone was watching the commotion in suspicion and jealousy. Mostly girls were and for obvious reasons you are smart enough to understand, aren't you? 😏 My dear readers.

God! Who wouldn't be.

The cold yet superly-striking heartthrob who has a body of a Greek god and facial features so symmetrical that make him go easy on the eyes. His tan skin and messy hair which always get in his eyes. His hair – the way he distractedly rumples it and makes every girl's heart do burpees... His perfect jawline and gorgeous lips. The line of his shoulders, and the way they fill out that Gucci shirt he loves the most. And how his toned muscles over his abs become prominent under his white Celine t-shirt. Even his hands have a different fan base. He has girls swooning over his long, slender fingers. He is just perfect in all senses.

[okay I can never stop fangirling over him, but we need to get back to the scene so reluctantly pulling myself from my beloved eye candy ... here I go]

The well-proportioned guy who never noticed or compensated attention to anyone was now laughing. The key word here being LAUGHING. And having a merry time with the new girl. The girl to whom he wasn't even acquainted before these two weeks.

Zoning out everyone and everything entirely, Y/N and Taehyung were fully focused on chatting with each other. Like they were long lost friends who had met after years.


Sorry for the long wait lovelies... but here it is now ... love you all
Happy 6th 'I purple you' day guys 💜💜

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