Chapter 25

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I wonder if it's frizzy enough.

Lexi roughly teased through her long hair as she finished off her look. She had plenty of time left to get ready for the Halloween party, but she'd wanted to get Hermione's hairstyle just right. Mindy had been MIA that afternoon so she'd had to get ready for this one on her own.

A ping alerted her to a new text message and her heart skipped a beat thinking it was Tom. But she quickly saw that it was her mom instead.

Mom: Emergency family meeting at the house. Come home ASAP. It's about the case.

Lexi's eyes widened as she re-read the text. What could it be? She glanced at the clock and saw that she had time. She'd go home, get the updates, and then quickly make her way to Tom's place.

Lexi played through every possible scenario as she made her way to her parent's house. Perhaps her mom had found a faculty member that showed signs of foul play. Or perhaps her dad was able to figure out some of the code that they had been stuck on for weeks. Whatever it was, she was excited that something was finally happening. The closer they got to solving the case, the closer she got to revealing the truth to Tom.

She parked her Prius in front of the house and saw that everyone was already home. Oh good! I won't have to wait to hear the news. Lexi nearly started skipping up the path leading to the front entrance. Her witch's robe swayed in the process and she adjusted her red and gold Gryffindor tie on her white button-down top so it wouldn't fly in her face. Given the weather was a little colder, she had opted for black stockings underneath her black shorts.

"Hey guys, I'm here!" she said as she opened the door. "What's the-" She froze as soon as she took in the sight of everyone in the living room before her. Her parents were standing with their arms folded and looking as if they were about to murder someone. Mindy was on the couch with bloodshot eyes and a wad of tissues beside her. And Cole had been pacing the length of the living room but stopped abruptly when Lexi walked in. "Um, what's going on?"

"Do you have anything you'd like to share with us, Lexi?" Scarlett asked sternly. The only other time Lexi had seen her mother this upset was when she and Cole were kids and they ruined the nice dining room chairs with markers.

Lexi's heart began to race. "Wh-what do you mean?" She looked to Mindy who started to cry.

"I'm so, so sorry Lex. It just came out." Mindy wailed and put her hands over her face.

"Wh-what? What came out?" Lexi's heart tightened.

"Lexi, we need you to be completely honest with us right now." Jason lifted a hand motioning towards her before continuing, "Are you seeing Tom Miller?"

An icy sensation traveled along Lexi's skin and she was too stunned to say anything.

"Mindy told me, Lex. You might as well come clean," Cole said with a removed expression.

Lexi jerked her head to her best friend who was shooting daggers at Cole with her eyes. "Mindy?"

Mindy jumped up and clasped her hands together. "Lexi, believe me when I say, I really didn't mean for it to slip out. Cole and I had gone out for ice cream and he had asked me about you. I told him how happy I was with how things were going with you and Tom. I wasn't thinking! I'm such an idiot! I'm the worst person in the world!" Mindy shrieked.

Lexi's heart continued to beat faster. Her brows furrowed and her nostrils flared. "Why were you going out for ice cream with Cole?" She glanced between her brother and Mindy and it was as if a missing puzzle piece had been found. "What the-"

Mindy began sobbing again and sat down on the couch. Cole cleared his throat and crossed his arms. "Mindy and I are dating, alright? We didn't want to say anything to anyone yet, to not freak anyone out. But things are going really well, so it's about time people know."

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