Chapter 24

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"Let's go through the list again, I wonder if we missed something," Lexi said to Mindy right before taking a sip of her coffee. The girls were sitting outside the computer science building on one of the park benches, waiting to go to their next class. The weather had cooled down significantly over the past few weeks and they were already fast approaching the end of October.

While time was flying by, barely any progress was being made on the work front. The group was starting to realize the mission they had taken on was seemingly more impossible with each passing day. And it didn't help that Hasan's patience was getting thinner each week they didn't have any positive news. Based on conversations with him, they suspected that he would likely start giving into the hacker's demands if they weren't able to give him anything soon. And if that happened, they'd be out of money faster than a blink of an eye.

"Leah," Mindy said after flipping the page in front of her. "She doesn't have any records of criminal history. When I asked her about her programming skills, she looked scared. In her free time, she likes playing video games, specifically Call of Duty. And she's never watched Love Island."

Lexi laughed. "I'm so glad you're writing down what reality shows people have and haven't watched. That will definitely help us solve the case."

"It helps me remember who they are! By the way, have you caught up on the last season? There's a guy in it named Tom and all the girls are in love with him. It reminds me of..."

"Mindy!" Lexi's mouth opened in a playful gasp.

Mindy giggled and her eyes traveled to something behind Lexi. "Speaking of..."

Lexi twisted abruptly and spotted Tom walking toward the computer science building. He had on a white button down and gray slacks and a messenger tote slung over his shoulder. She drunk up every inch of him and as their eyes landed on each other, they both gave a knowing smile.

While nothing had happened between them physically since the night of the Marvel movie, they had texted nearly every single day. Some days they would talk on the phone for hours discussing random topics. Slowly, Tom was permeating every inch of Lexi's life and she knew she was falling. Hard.

The more they got to know each other, the more desperate she was to tell him everything. She wondered how long she would be able to keep up the charade. Yet, she knew her family would never look at her the same if something slipped. So she settled for throwing herself into work, trying to solve the case as soon as possible.

Tom continued to walk into the building and brought his phone out as he disappeared through the door. Immediately a sound alerted Lexi to an incoming text.

Ron: You look so beautiful today. I like that dress on you.

Tom would send those types of texts frequently. And sometimes during the quiet self-study moments in class. Lexi's cheeks never failed to warm upon receiving them. She quickly typed out a response.

Hermione: I was hoping I'd see you today. You don't look so bad yourself.

"You're so in love, girl! I've never seen you like this!" Mindy interrupted Lexi's thoughts.

"What? Love? That feels...I don't know." Lexi laughed nervously as Mindy continued to eye her.

"I've never seen you this happy, Lex. I'm so, so happy for you!" Mindy reached over and squeezed Lexi's hand.

"Thanks, Mind. I can't stop thinking about him. Maybe that is love? I don't know. I've never felt like this before. All I know is I want to be with him."

Mindy smiled widely and nodded as if she were a proud mom.

"Mind, what about you? Are you in love? Are you still texting that guy that you refuse to give me any details about? I'm still annoyed about that, by the way."

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