Chapter 98. Delightful surprise

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Caleb POV
The heart monitor began to beep loudly making me panic and worried about what was going on. "Caleb I need you to step out please don't fight me on this I promise I'll let you back in as soon as I'm done." Ron practically pushed me out of the room.

I kicked the door angrily cause they locked it. "I'm gonna fucking kill him when this is over." I threatened him speaking to myself while pacing back and forth in the hallway. My phone began to ring in my pocket. "What!" I answered angrily.

"Who are you talking to with that kind of manner young man?" Lydia said through the phone. "I'm sorry I didn't know it was you calling." I explained myself.

"We're coming now Aaron called me last night. Go home and shower so you can calm down your scaring everyone in the hospital."

"I'm not leaving until I know their okay I could care less about how scared everyone in this hospital are." I argued my anger rising.

"Alright calm down we should be there in two hours just don't hurt anyone." She tried to convince me but she knew she didn't have that type of control over me only Aria did.

I hung up the phone not bothering to respond back to her I was too angry to talk to anyone. Aaron and Layla walked up to me. "Go at least change I brought you some clothes there's a restroom right there." He pointed to the bathroom.

I grabbed the clothes going to the restroom to change in the clothes he brought me. I splashed water on my face I was exhausted from staying up since we came back from London.

I couldn't stop my mind from replaying the way she blamed herself and cried about our baby. I couldn't believe she would say something like that she didn't even do anything wrong.

It was all her parents fault they filled her head with so much hatred towards herself and made her feel like everything was her fault I wish I could bring them back to life just to kill them all over again for this.

I punched the mirror with the same bloody fist that I used to punch the brick wall outside. Aaron rushed inside the bathroom at the sound of the glass shattering. "What the fuck is wrong with you are you trying to kill yourself!"

"Layla call a nurse his knuckles are probably broken." She rushed out to go find a nurse before I could tell her to stop.

"I don't need a fuckin nurse I need my wife! Leave me alone Aaron i don't want anyone touching me right now." I walked away from him going back to the same room Aria was in.

Two nurses came rushing towards me noticing my bloody knuckles one of them tried touching my arm.

"Don't fuckin touch me leave the stuff on the chair and get the fuck away from me." They put down the bandages on the chair like I said quickly walking away.

I sat down carefully wiping the blood and wrapping my knuckles in the bandages to stop the blood. "Caleb where is she is everything okay with Aria?" Lydia came rushing over to me with Sammy and Earl.

"I don't know nonna they haven't told me anything yet." I replied my anger clearly showing through my stoic tone and annoyed expression.

"Caleb you need to calm down I know this is hard for you but you hurting yourself isn't going to help you."

"I don't need to calm down I don't care if I'm hurting myself I want her and my son to be okay. Stop trying to calm me down nonna you know it isn't going to work." I was being mean and rude but I didn't care she knew how angry I could get.

They all knew and right now wasn't the time or day to calm me down. I got up from my seat getting impatient with Ron. "Don't touch me nonna. Get away from me all of you." I told them sternly.

I know they were trying to help me but I didn't need there comfort or help I needed Aria I only wanted Aria. "Mr Blackwood we need you to come immediately your wife is awake and giving birth." The nurse said opening the door to let me in.

I rushed inside seeing Aria crying with her hand out reaching for me I grabbed her hand thanking god she and our baby were okay. They put a mask  and a coat on me instructing Aria to breath and push.

I pulled off the mask kissing her head repeatedly letting her squeeze my hand as hard as she needed. "Your doing great princess just breath and push." I encouraged her helping her through the whole process.

All my anger vanished now that I was near her. "I d-don't t-think I c-can d-do t-this." She cried on the verge of giving up. "I-it h-hurts." She whined taking deep breaths. "I know princess I need you to keep trying your doing so well princess."

I wiped her tears encouraging her to continue breathing and pushing. She squeezed my hand shutting her eyes. I brushed her hair out of her face whispering sweet things in her ear to help distract her from the pain.

Ron warned us it would be a painful process for her when she gives birth. I wanted to so badly take away the pain she was feeling. "Take a moment to relax Aria." Ron told her letting her have a break.

"Keep taking deep breaths don't think about the pain too much." He instructed her. She nodded her head to respond to him she was physically and mentally exhausted from this.

"I-is h-he o-okay d-did I h-hurt h-him?" She asked about the baby worriedly. "He's fine Aria your not hurting him at all." He reassured her. "Stop blaming yourself princess your doing great your not hurting our baby."

She wanted to protest but I stopped her. "Just breath and focus on pushing. Everything will be okay your almost done." Ron gave us the thumbs up so she could start again.

7 hours later...
The sounds of our crying son filled my ears and my heart with joy and happiness. I cut the umbilical cord so they could let Aria hold him against her skin.

"I d-did I-it h-he's f-finally h-here." She said looking up at me proud of herself. "You did it princess."

She smiled at me her eyes closing softly from exhaustion. "We need to take him to the NICU to make sure everything is okay we will move you in the same room with him soon."

Aria let Ron take him from her watching him take our son. "I'm so proud of you princess I knew you could do it." I kissed her lips softly helping them transfer her into another bed so we could go to the NICU room.

I held her hand as they rolled the bed out the room down the hall. "Did she give birth? Is everything okay?" Lydia asked excitedly all of them walking up to us. "She did everything is fine now."

They all hugged her being careful so they wouldn't hurt her. "I'll come get you guys when she's settled in the room." They watched us walk away down a different hall.

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