Chapter 7. Pain and tears

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!!——-Warning (self harming!!!!) warning-—-!!!!!

Aria didn't really know where she was going but she had a good feeling she was going the right way. She could see the familiar street signs to her neighborhood and familiar houses she passed when she walked to the grocery store.

She cried most of the way back home preparing herself for reality again. Caleb may have took away all the bad memories for a couple of days but now she was going back home to the worst memories she ever had her worst nightmares that caused her phobia of sleeping at night.

She finally made it to her house instead of going through the front door she decided to climb up to her window so she could avoid her parents who were most likely going to beat her to death if they seen her.

She climbed into her window carefully getting into her bed covering herself. She couldn't cry anymore she felt numb, she felt empty. Her heart ached for Caleb she missed him but she couldn't handle the fact that she was all the things her parents called her.

She was childish, annoying, ruined everything, a brat, ugly, fat she could never be loved no one was stupid enough to love her she was useless.

She got up out of her bed going into the bathroom closing the door shut. She was about to do something she always ended up regretting but she deserved it that's what her parents told her she deserved to harm herself to kill herself.

She grabbed the blade she hid under the sink sitting down on the floor holding out her arm as she sliced down her wrist watching the blood flow down her arm slowly. It felt good to her, it made her feel alive again.

She knew it was wrong but she couldn't help it she needed to feel some type of pain. The beatings she would get from her parents hurt a lot and left marks behind that showed her how horrible and how much they hated her as a daughter.

But when she cut her wrists it showed her how much she deserved it and how bad she was hurting herself. She sliced her wrists again watching all the blood flow down to the floor.

Caleb read the text from Aaron as he looked for Aria. He seen Aaron running towards him. "Caleb!" He yelled like he was panicking. "Aria she's gone she's not at your house!"

He yelled frantically. "What do you mean she's gone? You said she was at my house!" Caleb yelled angrily at Aaron blaming him for leaving her by herself.

"She told me she had to leave because her period got all over her so I took her to yours and when I went back to pick her up she was gone."

Caleb grabbed his keys from Aaron running to his car with Aaron close behind. "Aaron you better pray she's where I think she is and nothing happened to her!" He told Aaron angrily.

Caleb drove as fast as he could to her parents house he could feel something was wrong. He turned into the drive way of her father's house getting out of the car quickly running to the door.

He didn't even bother knocking he just ran into the house. "Where's Aria?" He yelled to Elizabeth who looked shocked. "I don't know I haven't seen that childish brat at all today!" She yelled with Andrew beside her looking at Caleb angrily.

Caleb ran up the stairs. "She has to be here. She couldn't have went anywhere else." He ran into her room she was no where to be seen.

He heard the bathroom door open revealing Aria with bloody arms dripping all over the floor. She looked drained and tired.

Caleb's eyes widened at the sight of her. She started walking towards the bed but didn't make it far because she fainted in front of Caleb. Before she fell onto the floor Caleb was quick to catch her so she wouldn't hurt herself.

"What have you done?" He had tears in his eyes shocked by the sight of her. Aaron looked horrified by the scene. Elizabeth and Andrew had no remorse or empathy for her. They knew she harmed herself and didn't do anything about it.

Caleb laid her onto the bed his blood boiling in rage because this was all their fault that she was so broken.

He walked towards Andrew punching him in the face not giving him a chance to even react. Aaron let Caleb take out his anger on Andrew he deserved it.

Caleb knocked out Andrew turning towards Elizabeth who was screaming for him to stop. She looked terrified when he stepped in front of her with bloody hands.

"Your lucky I don't hit women because you'd be knocked out just like your coward of a husband. But don't think I'm letting you off on this just because I can't put my hands on you doesn't mean I won't get someone else to do my dirty work for me. You both fucked with the wrong person and now I'm going to make sure you both pay for all of this. Mark my words Elizabeth I'm not done with you or him this is just the beginning!" He coldly said to her making shivers of fear run down her back a few tears rolling down her face in the process.

Aaron drove Caleb and Aria to the closest hospital. The doctors took Aria making Caleb and Aaron wait outside in the waiting room. Caleb had tears in his eyes feeling overwhelmed by everything going on.

He was angry with himself for leaving her behind. He wanted to kill Andrew and Elizabeth for causing her to do this to herself. Aaron tried to calm Caleb down but he knew it was best to just let him be.

The doctor finally came out of her room calling Caleb over to see her. "She is still unconscious she lost a good amount of blood but nothing too serious it should be back to normal in a few days." "Okay thank you so much doc."

"I have a few questions to ask before you go." "Okay go ahead." "How do you two know each other?" "She's my wife." "Okay dose she harm herself often?"

"No this is the first time I've seen her do something like this." "Okay that will be all for now you can go see her." Caleb walked into her room she was still sleeping.

He kissed her forehead holding her tiny hand. "I'm so sorry princess." He whispered to her softly. Caleb stayed near her the whole night making sure she was fine holding her hand as he fell asleep on top of her stomach.

Caleb woke up the next day hearing a whimper come from Aria. He looked up at her knowing exactly what was going on she was having a nightmare. He tried waking her up but she wouldn't budge he called out for the doctor or a nurse who soon rushed into the room.

"She's having a nightmare we have to wake her up." The nurse quickly splashed some water onto her hand wiping Arias face to wake her up. Arias eyes fluttered open with tears rolling down her face.

"Oh baby girl your awake now." Caleb said wiping her tears from her face as he looked into her eyes.  The nurse left after making sure everything was fine.

Caleb looked at Aria happy to see her awake but she seemed like she was overthinking something. "Baby what's wrong?" She just looked at Caleb with teary eyes not responding. "Talk to me baby. Don't do that let me hear your voice baby please." He begged his own tears rolling down his face.

"I'm so sorry princess I didn't mean to hurt you please just talk to me." He begged her but she just looked away her heart breaking even more for him and herself. She missed him but she didn't feel like speaking she was too emotional and embarrassed with herself.

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