Chapter 28. The meeting part two

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Caleb's POV
"Just stay quiet princess here's paper and crayons for you to color with to keep you busy while I work." I whispered to her she blushed softly with a smile on her face.

"T-thank y-you d-daddy." She whispered back to me. She started drawing on her paper while everyone in the room just stared at us like they never seen a human being in their life.

"Shall we start or are we just gonna keep staring like idiots." I said in a very authoritative tone getting annoyed with them staring at her. "Sorry man it's just unusual to see you with a girl on your lap and in this room."

"Considering you never had a woman in this room not even your last assistant that you fired a while back." Said one of my men named Cameron that worked with me here and in the mafia.

Me and him didn't get along very well but I had to keep him because him and Aaron were friends and he trusted him.

"Your really good at observing things Cameron. But I don't understand how that has anything to do with someone hacking into our system and stealing my money." I remarked back to him.

"I agree with Caleb. Cameron you need to chill out and mind your business." Aaron hushed Cameron before he could saying anything else.

"Thank you Aaron let's not forget who's the boss here or dose anyone else want to test me today?" I asked irritated at all of them.

Aria POV
I could feel him getting angry I was coloring but I listened to everything they were saying. I didn't really like Cameron he was making Caleb angry with his slick mouth.

I grabbed Caleb's hand trying to calm his nerves a little. "Can someone explain to me who the fuck hacked our system and took my money?" He yelled I flinched a little but I just held onto his hand scooting closer into his chest.

"I figured it out after I did a lot of research it was some dude named Michael who hacked our system. But he didn't take any of the money. So I think it was two people who did it on two separate occasions." Someone responded to Caleb.

"Thank you Zack. So dose anyone know who took the money or do we have to keep searching?" Caleb asked everyone. I started tracing his tattoos on his neck zoning out of the conversation he was having with his employees.

Caleb's POV
"We still have to do some research but we're very close to finding out who did it sir." Zack answered once again.

"So Zack is the only one doing his job right the rest of you can't answer. Aaron I want to give Zack a raise the rest of you lazy good for nothing employees can go back to work."

"I expect a report from you all of you with the person who took my money by next week during our next meeting." I instructed. My whole mood turned sour because of their lack of communication and getting their job done.

"And Cameron try me again like that and I won't let you off so easily. Aaron won't be there to save you from me let's not forget who your talking to cause I can end your life in a heart beat." I told him in a dark menacing tone.

"You can all leave now." I dismissed them all. As soon as they walked out of the room and the door shut completely Aria pulled my face down kissing me on the lips in a sweet but deep kiss.

Both of my hands grabbed her by her head running my fingers through her hair deepening the kiss. I didn't realize how easily she could take away my anger and replaced it with need and happiness.

"D-Daddy." She moaned into the kiss holding onto my shoulders as I devoured her lips. I forgot we needed to breath until she bit down on my lip to get me to stop and let us breathe.

"Sorry princess you just drive me crazy." I told her breathlessly. My dick was hard aching for me to release it from my dress pants.

"You make me loose control so easily. I should punish you for how naughty you are. You little vixen." I smacked her ass making her whimper and hide her blushing face into my chest.

"Come on princess before I bend you over this table." I whispered into her ear lifting my hips a little to brush my groin against her core.

"D-Daddy." She whined into my chest. "You feel what you do to me." I groaned when she grounded her hips down onto my bulge.

"Your such a naughty little princess. Your so innocent yet so naughty." I lifted her up before we took this too far and I actually loose control and end up bending her over the table.

"Come on princess let's go get you ice cream and then we can go home and watch movies with Mr Tinkles." She clapped her hands happily grabbing my hand so we could leave.

                       At the ice cream shop
"Oooooo!" She almost screamed in happiness when we got to the ice cream shop. I ordered a hot brownie sundae with chocolate ice cream for her and me. We sat outside after they finished making the ice cream for us.

"Mmmm I-it t-tastes s-so g-good." She  commented while swinging her small legs back and forth while sitting on the bench. I could tell she was getting really hyper from the ice cream.

But I didn't mind yet because I knew she wouldn't act out right now it would be when we got home so I just let her enjoy her ice cream.

"You ready to go watch movies with Mr Tinkles?" I asked her when she stood up to throw her ice cream out. "Y-yes I-I c-can't w-wait." She looked up at me with the brightest happiest eyes ever. 

"C-can y-you c-carry m-me t-to t-the c-car p-please d-daddy?" She asked me making grabby hands for me to pick her up.

I picked her up she wrapped her legs around my torso. "Daddy's good little princess." I praised her knowing she loved when I did that.

I put her down in the passenger seat buckling her in then went to my side repeating the same actions for myself.

She fell asleep once we started driving I knew she was tired once she asked me to carry her to the car. I took off my jacket and put it on top of her like a blanket so she wouldn't be cold. 

When we got home I started picking her up from the seat she whined a little. "Sleep baby I'm just gonna carry you to the living room."

I laid her down on the couch once I was about to pull away so I could grab a blanket to cover her with she woke up. "M-movie d-daddy." She said getting up like she wasn't just sleeping.

"Why don't you go get Mr Tinkles while I find us a movie to watch." She nodded her head getting up to go to her play room where she left Mr Tinkles.

I found us a movie but when I looked around Aria didn't come back yet. I walked up the stairs going towards her play room when I heard a loud noise coming from inside her playroom.

When I walked into the room she had toys scattered all around the room. She spilled a bottle of coke on the floor. It look chaotic inside her playroom I didn't understand how she got it so messy in such little time.

I knew she was going to get hyper but not this bad and she drunk almost half of the coke that she spilled on the floor. She stood shocked when she seen me enter the room. She knew what she was doing and she knew it very well.

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