Chapter 40. Murder scene

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Aria POV
Silence, that's all that was heard. I didn't know if Caleb was okay or not. I was starting to get really worried and impatient. I couldn't just stay in this room I needed to go see if Caleb was okay and alive.

I got up from the corner I was in and started walking towards the door again. The closer I got to the door the more scared I got. I began to unlock the door and twist the door handle slowly when suddenly I heard Caleb.

"Aria, princess open the door." I heard him say on the end of the door.  I quickly opened the door and jumped into his arms. I grabbed his face looking for any bruises, wounds or blood.

"I'm okay princess. Stop crying everything is okay now." I didn't even realize I was crying. He wiped my tears a little kissing me on my cheeks.

"I need you to stay in here for a few hours until I get everything cleaned up. I don't want you to see any of that."

I hugged him tight and then left little kisses all over his face before he put me back down. "I l-love y-you." I said hugging him once again. "I love you too princess." He replied kissing me on my lips.

I noticed his sweat pants and a little on his abs had splashes of blood on them but I knew it wasn't his blood. "Now be a good girl and don't come out this room until daddy says you can."

He instructed me once again. "O-okay I p-promise d-daddy I-I'll b-be a g-good g-girl." I told him standing on my tippy toes so I could kiss him again.

I couldn't reach his lips even on my tippy toes so I just gave up and kissed his neck instead. "I'll come get you when everything is cleaned up." He said before closing the door leaving me alone again.

I decided I was going to take a bath while I waited for Caleb to finish cleaning. I made a bubble bath with the rubber duckies Caleb always put in for me.

I got undressed and got into the bath relaxing my mind and body for a little. Then I would play with my toys after. My body instantly relaxed and the soreness between my legs eased up a bit.

Caleb POV
I got a clean up crew to get rid of the body and clean up the blood stains. I needed to call Zack to let the rest of my crew know that I got the money back.

I pulled my phone out so I could call him right away. "Hello." He answered. "Put me on speaker phone when you get by everyone else." I told him I wanted to let everyone know right away so we were all on the same page.

"Alright boss your on speaker and everyone's here." He told me. "I have some good news, I found out who stole my money I will bring it in tomorrow."

"We don't need to look for the man who did it because I already got rid of him and the hacker who helped him." I explained to them through the phone.

"Well that's great but how did you get rid of them all alone." Zack asked suspiciously. "That's a talk you and me will have in private. Are there anymore questions?" I asked.

"No boss that's the best news we've received all day." Zack replied happily. "Well I guess I'll see you all tomorrow." I said before hanging up.

Everything was now clean like I didn't just kill someone in my house. Aaron got rid of the hacker while he went out of town. Alex was just the last part of the plan to get rid of.

I wasn't expecting it to be so easy especially how hard it was to find him. Then he just shows up to my house making it even easier to get rid of him.

The clean up crew left and took his dead body away to dispose of it. I went back upstairs to get Aria so we could go shower together.

Our bedroom was empty no sign of her on our bed or in the closet. The bathroom door was opened with a lavender and hint of vanilla scent filling our bedroom.

I walked into the bathroom she had her eyes closed relaxing in the bath filled with bubbles and rubber duckies.

I got undressed so I could join her. She opened her eyes hearing movement once she saw it was me her eyes brightened up with happiness.

"D-Daddy!" She squealed happily clapping her hands. I got into the tub with her she immediately started kissing my face all over.

She wrapped her legs around me straddling herself on me. She continued leaving kisses all over me with tears rolling down her face.

"Don't cry princess daddy's here now." I wiped her tears away kissing her lips a few times. "C-can I a-ask y-you s-something d-daddy?" She asked softly. "Go ahead princess."

Her face became flushed with a crimson color avoiding my eyes. "W-was t-that g-guy w-watching u-us y-yesterday?" She asked her voice shaky and scared.

"He did but I promise you that will be the last time he ever sees or hears your voice." I told her the truth even tho I knew it would make her feel violated.

I checked the cameras and I seen him climb up to our balcony watching us through the window. If I knew he was there I would have killed him without hesitation.

"Look at me princess. I can promise you I will never let anything like that happen again." I told her when she finally looked at me. She hugged me a few tears falling out of her eyes.

"I t-trust y-you d-daddy." She said her breath blowing against my neck as she spoke. "Did you wash yourself?"

Making sure so I could finish bathing myself so we could get out the bath. "Mhmm." She mumbled nodding her head as well to respond.

She grabbed my soap squeezing some onto her hand so she could help bathe me. She scrubbed my hair with soap her fingers felt good against my scalp. She began to scrub my body especially where she seen blood on my skin.

Her tiny hands sending blissful energy through my body. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of her hands on my skin hoping it never ends. She began to wash off the soap her hands still touching me as if she was still scrubbing my skin.

Even after she washed off all the soap she still continued touching me. I opened my eyes too see her already looking at me with a teasing smile. "You naughty girl." I teased her back. She knew I was enjoying her touching me.

I got us both out of the shower wrapping her in a towel and myself. I picked her up carrying her to our bed so I could help her get dressed. "I w-want y-your h-hoodie p-please." She requested.

"Okay baby." I replied grabbing my hoodie from the hanger. I helped her put her underwear on and the hoodie. She didn't want any pants so i just brushed her hair for her instead.

"T-thank y-you d-daddy." She thanked me for helping her get dressed and doing her hair. "Anything for my little princess." I kissed her head softly grabbing her hand so we could go downstairs to eat dinner.

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