Chapter Thirty-Six

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A/N - Longer chapter once again.


Harley stood at the doorway with her arms folded as she watched Liv get into the back of a glossy black Range Rover, an army of men and women with guns following her as if they were heading off to war.

She let out a sigh as she saw the cars drive off frowning before she turned to a Range Rover parked up, a thought popping into her head. She rushed towards it making sure the last of Liv's men didn't see her enter the vehicle.

She shut the door quietly before turning the key that was left in the car, driving off hearing men screaming at her to get back here, but she wanted to help in anyway she could, she was sick of sitting on the side lines when she knew how to fight and shoot. She was useful and she wanted to prove it.

She caught up to the armada of vehicles following them for roughly two hours to a mountain top. She let out a sigh as they all began to slow down before coming to a complete stop knowing Liv wouldn't be happy with her initiative.

She watched the scene unfold from the car she was in.

Antonio stepped out of the first car with Oliver, Rea and Liv. Nick getting out of his and rushing to Liv's side.

"Where is he!?" Liv spat with anger. Christian smirked placing his hands into his pockets as he tilted his head to one of his men who walked towards their cars, opening the back door and dragging Rose out of it. She was covered in blood, showing they had beaten her.

Liv shook her head as Christian's smirk grew. "I told you... my son is safe with me, she however is not." He said as one of his men handed her to him. He grabbed her hair bringing her up revealing her throat as he pulled a large knife out placing it against her skin.

"I've got you now Liv." He chuckled as Rose shook her head at her. "You do this... and I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth. I won't stop Christian."

"I don't care... because let's face it, you're not going to kill your kids father." Liv chuckled bringing her gun up pointing it at his head. "You underestimate me. Always have, always will." Christian took a deep breath in, all his men pointing their guns at Liv only for her people to do the same towards them. "Go for it, I'll bring Rose here with me." She let out a sigh as Rose shook her head wanting her to shot him even if it meant her death.

"No, Liv... do... do it."

"Shut up!" Christian said with anger as he pulled at her hair almost ripping it out. "Christian!" Liv screamed at him as she moved closer, Nick following.

"Oliver." Antonio stated as Oliver began to follow Nick and his sister. "Stop!" Christian warned her. "This is between us, leave her out of it!"

"She had him for nearly four years! This has everything to do with her!" Liv let out a sigh unsure on how to defuse the situation. "Come on, you really want to kill the woman that looked after your kid for all that time... he'll never forgive you." Oliver added as Christian smirked. "He won't remember, just like he won't remember his mother. I'll tell him you died in a terrible car accident."

"If you think I'm letting you walk away from here with my son..."


"Fine our! Our son you are sadly mistaken." Christian took a deep breath in looking down to Rose smiling before he pressed the knife against her throat cutting her slightly. "No!" Sofia screamed as she got out of the car, instantly firing her gun causing Liv to let out a groan as everyone began to duck for cover.

Nick rushed tackling Liv to the ground getting her to cover. "You good?" He questioned over the noise of the gun fire. "Yeah, what about Rose?" Nick looked over the car door he had pulled them behind. "I don't know, she's just lying there." Liv let out a sigh shaking her head. "Cover me."

Deadly Flowers - You Go, I GoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora