Chapter Four

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Harley pushed her door open almost falling in the process luckily Liv grabbed her placing her arm around her waist directing her to the couch.

"Ow... why is the door so heavy?" Liv nodded. "Oh sweetie, you are drunk off your ass... at least you still look sexy when your drunk." She said placing her onto the couch, giving her a wink before walking to the door and shutting it behind her.

"Do you say I'm sexy to boost my confidences like most girls do or do you say it because you think I'm sexy?" She questioned, stuttering while fighting with her jacket, trying to remove it.

Liv licked her lips sitting next to her, helping her with her jacket. "What do you think?" She questioned as Harley moved a little closer to her taking a deep breath in. "I want it to be... to b-boost my con... con..." She let out a sigh getting frustrated with herself.

"Confidence?" She nodded pointing to Liv. "Yes! That!" She said loudly excited that Liv understood her drunk self. "Well I hope it does boost your confidence..." She paused placing her hand onto her cheek stroking it gently as they locked eyes with each other. "Not that you need it. You're gorgeous Harls, I hope you hear that everyday." She said with such a sweet tone.

A sincere tone, one that brought Harley out of her drunken state for a few minutes. "Thank you. Do you know what my first thought was when I first saw you?" She questioned as Liv smiled moving a little closer to her getting comfortable on the couch.


"Why is this gorgeous woman talking to me." Liv smiled wildly. "Because I wanted to sleep with you." Harley raised her eyebrows shocked. "Wait, seriously that's why you came to talk to me? I thought you just said that to make me laugh." Liv nodded biting her bottom lip catching Harley's eyes drift to them.

"I wanted to take you home that night, but we got to talking and I thought maybe I could help you and then later on I could fuck you." She joked making Harley chuckle.

"But then I told you I have a boyfriend." Liv nodded taking a deep breath in as she felt Harley's fingers interlocking with hers making her look down then back up to her beautiful brown eyes. "Yeah you did, but that's not why I haven't made a move."

Harley frowned, wondering what she had been waiting for. "So, why haven't you?"

"Because you haven't wanted me to." Harley opened her mouth slightly a little shocked by her. "Wait, you want me to tell you if I want you or not?"

She nodded still staring into her eyes as Harley played with her fingers. "Yes. It's hot. And it's also consent." Harley nodded suddenly getting lost in her eyes, in her.

Maybe it was her curiosity or it was because she was slightly sad or maybe it was the alcohol giving her the courage, but she had the sudden urge to feel Liv's lips on hers.

She licked her lips slowly leaning in, her eyes still locked on Liv's. "Kiss me." She ordered as Liv looked at her with surprise. "What?"

"Kiss me." She ordered once again as Liv took a deep breath in knowing she was just saying this because she was drunk. "I want you to kiss me right now." She said slowly in a seductive tone.


"Don't think, just do." She ordered as Liv let out a sigh of defeat knowing she had wanted this since that first night in the bar something that she found strange as she was quick to move on from lust filled relationships, but there was something about Harley that drew her in, yes she needed her around for specific reasons, reasons Harley could never find out about, but nonetheless she drew her in.

She swallowed looking to Harley's lips wanting to taste them, to feel them. Would they be soft? What would they taste like? Probably alcohol.

"I thought you wanted me?" Harley questioned with pain in her voice. Liv gave her a gentle smile bringing her hand up to her cheek once again caressing it before slowly moving her thumb down to her bottom lip, running it over ever so gently.

"I do." She stated before leaning in bringing their lips together. The kiss started off quite slow and gentle, but Liv could only be like that for so long before she turned it passionate. She bit down onto Harley's bottom lip telling her she wanted more something Harley gave into.

She let out a moan when she felt Liv's tongue slip into her mouth as her hands ran down her body. Harley couldn't help herself, she wanted more so instead of thinking, she acted, she sat up bringing her leg up and over straddling Liv surprising her.

She felt Liv pull her tightly to her body closing any gaps there was between them before she pulled her lips from hers planting them onto her neck working her way down to her breasts as she brought her hands up ready for unclipping the corset she was wearing.

She undid one clip gently kissing the area that had now been uncovered, Harley had thrown her head back slightly giving Liv more room to work, but she decided to pull her lips from her once again this time hearing a small whimper escape Harley.

"Are you sure you want this?" She questioned looking up into Harley's eyes. Harley took a deep breath in as both women were now breathing a little heavier than before, lust coursing through them. "Yes." She said giving Liv the confirmation she needed.

She instantly smashed her lips against Harley's picking her up and placing her onto her back against the couch as she got back to work on the corset slowly kissing the areas she was uncovering, hearing Harley moaning every now and then, feeling her hands coming down onto her head wanting to touch her in any way possible, but before Liv could fully remove the corset Harley suddenly pushed her from her onto the floor.

"Ow." Liv looked up at her with surprise. "Sorry, get up. That's Seth." She whispered as she started clipping her corset back up. Liv let out sigh slowly standing up looking at Harley with a hint of anger.

"I'm sorry." Harley stated not thinking that Liv would be bothered by this as she is known as the player of the group.

"Hey ba... why is Liv here?" He questioned looking to the clock then back to the women as it was three in the morning.

"I was just leaving." She said as Harley stood up from the couch. "I'll walk you out." She began to follow only for Liv to put her hand out. "No I know the way out. Stay and talk with your boyfriend."

Harley let out a sigh watching Liv walk out of her house, unsure how things would be between them now. She ran her hands down her face knowing she should never have asked her to kiss her, but she couldn't lie, it felt amazing having Liv like that. It felt right.

"Why was she here?" Seth questioned showing his jealousy. "I got drunk! So she was making sure I got home safe!"

"Oh yeah so why the hell do you seem sober now!?"

"Because she sobered me up! Why do you always have to turn everything into an argument Seth. What's going on? We used to be so good and now it's like any chance you get to start an argument you take it."

He ran his fingers through his thick hair as he let out a tired sigh. "I don't know... I'm just... I'm uncomfortable with Liv and I don't understand why you and Clark decided to just stop being friends I mean she was your best friend for twenty years."

"Look I know you don't like Liv, but she has been a really great friend to me during all of this so I don't want to lose her as for Clark I've explained I don't want to be around her anymore. She was toxic to me. We weren't a healthy friendship."

"But why?" He still couldn't understand, no matter how many times Harley had to explained it to him he just couldn't wrap his head around it and yet she only needed to say it once to Liv and she understood.

"Babe I was taking panic attacks around her, I thought so much negativity that I wanted it to stop I didn't care how even if that meant me not being here anymore... how can you not get that through your fucking skull! You want her in your life fine, but I know where your loyalty lies!" She screamed as she walked away from him feeling like a hypocrite since a few minutes ago she did just have her tongue down Liv's throat.

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