Chapter Eleven

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Harley came too leaning against a dirty brick wall with dirt underneath her, her hands and feet bound striking fear into her heart as she suddenly remembered what happened. Someone had rammed into the back of them, pulling Harley out of the car while Liv was unconscious.

"Well, well look who's awake." She heard a voice causing her to look up and look around until her eyes landed on the handsome man from the café earlier. "I told you I'd be seeing you soon." Harley frowned looking around, trying to see if she knew where she was.

"Where am I? What's happening?"

"Why do they always have the same questions?" Another man said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. He was much taller and lager than the man from the café. He also had the same dark eyes as him, but his hair was blonde, it was clearly a dye job and a pretty bad one at that.

He strolled towards her pulling a gun out from behind him and placing it onto her forehead causing her to freeze up. "You're going to tell us everything you know about Olivia Jackson as you know her..." He chuckled before kneeling to her level. "Or I put a bullet between your eyes." Harley swallowed speechless, what did they want with Liv? And what did he mean by as she knew her?

"I... I don't know anything about her... she's my boss."

"Oh so you're not fucking her?" The man from the café questioned with a smirk on his face. She looked up at him with fear, but still so confused. "N... we're not really involved."

"Well she seemed pretty involved earlier when she almost broke my wrist." Harley frowned understanding it now, Liv had messed with the wrong man and he wanted pay back. "Is that what this is about? Because she hurt you and kicked you out of her café?" Both men chuckled, sharing a look.

"What the hell are you idiots laughing at!?" A strong voice echoed through the building that Harley was scared was going to cave in on her, a building caving in on her might be a blessing since she had no idea what these men might do to her.

"Boss." The two cleared there throats stepping aside as a gorgeous man approached Harley, he was filled with tattoos, neck to toe. He was dressed in a grey suit with a black shirt. He had piercing blue eyes with jet black hair and a beautiful golden brown skin tone. His shoulders were large and he was tall, but slender with just the right amount of muscle.

"Harley I presume?" He questioned kneeling to her level as she nodded fear in her eyes still. "I'm Christian." Harley's eyes widened shocked. "I'm guessing from that reaction you know of me?"

"Not really... I just know you and Liv were involved." He nodded. "Yeah, until she ran out on me on our wedding day with another woman." Harley frowned looking around then moving closer to him. "Aren't you gay though? Why do you want to marry someone you won't love or enjoy being with?" Christian gave her a charming smile as he clasped his hands together, resting his elbows on his knees.

"In our line of work, we need heirs... Liv was meant to be my wife! The mother of a son to take over for me... she left and brought shame to me and my family, made me a laughing stock. She left me for a woman, it doesn't sit well with my image. Plus she stole something... and I would like it back." Harley frowned still not understanding what he was meaning. "So, now since I clearly can not take her business, there are all too loyal to her... I can take you. I can cause her the same pain she caused me." Harley swallowed wondering if he meant take as in kidnap or kill.

"Um... I really don't understand." Christian chuckled. "I thought you called her days ago... asking for her to up hold her end of the deal." His chuckle grew louder.

"Is that what she told you. Oh she's good. No I called her to tell her that I was planning on taking her business, on burning her to the ground and killing anyone she cares about." Harley took a deep breath in suddenly feeling as if the air was being sucked out of her. "Which means you." He grinned standing up slapping his hands together. "Pick her up."


"I want her back!" Liv roared as she threw a vase across her home office smashing it. "We'll get her back Liv. Don't worry. We've got our best guys out there hunting for her." Rea stated seeing her friend's and boss's worrying growing. "You need to get that cut seen to."

"I'm fine!" She snapped as Meg and her parents walked in, her younger brother following. "Are you okay?" Her father rushed to her grabbing her face checking her head causing her to instantly swat his hands away. "I'll be fine when I have Harley back!" She screamed as Myla and Amelia walked into the office. "Still no sign, we're checking cameras trying to find the truck that took her."

"It was Christian. He wants to make me pay for running out on him." She stated placing her hands onto her desk taking a deep breath in suddenly feeling dizzy causing her to take a seat. "Get the doctor now!" Her father screamed, her father was tall and broad in the shoulders. He had slivery black hair with the same green eyes as all of his kids since they did get them from him. He was always dressed in a suit.

"I'm fine." Everyone stopped waiting for Liv to give the okay. No one would dare defy her right now, well no one other than her mother. "Get the doctor now!" She ordered as Amelia looked to Liv who nodded knowing it was useless fighting with her mother. Her mother was smaller than her, she had clearly taken her father's height although she did take her mother's gorgeous features and her hair colour. She was dressed in a simple fitting dress with heels.

"This is why we always tell you not to get involved with people that don't know our family business." Her mother said with a hint of anger. Liv rolled her eyes as their doctor walked into the office, instantly getting to work on patching Liv up.

Once the doctor had finished his work Nick and Layla walked into the office. "We found her." Nick stated causing Liv to stand opening her desk drawer picking her gun up and checking it was loaded. "Let's go." She ordered as everyone nodded heading out as quick as possible.

"Liv be careful." Her father stated as she nodded walking out of her office and getting into a car with Rea since her favourite car would need fixed thanks to Christian's men. "I swear if he touches one hair on her head I'll kill him, slowly."

"You really care about her, don't you?" Rea questioned looking between the road and her boss. "Yes."

"It's not like it was with Myla or Layla?" Liv shook her head. "No, I... I can't lose her Rea. If I do I don't know what I'll become. I'm already close to what people think of as a monster."

"You're not a monster."

"I've killed more people than anyone in this business. It's why I have so much loyalty because people are afraid to cross me." Rea nodded as she took a sharp left following Layla and Nick. "Maybe... or maybe because no matter how big and bad you are, deep down you treat everyone like there you're family. We all knew what we were getting into when we met you. Harley seems like the same. Maybe that's why you walked up to her in the bar." She smirked. "No, you know the real reason I did... well that and I wanted to fuck her as well." Rea chuckled as they took a right.

"My point is... Harley could never see you as a monster. I can see it in her eyes." Liv nodded taking a deep breath in. "Tell them to speed it up." She said as Rea beeped her horn twice making them speed up their car.

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