Chapter Thirty-Three

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A/N - Just a heads up for anyone who hasn't noticed, yes I did change my name on here. No I'm not actually trouble although I do get called it a lot 🤔 take that how you please 🤣  I also changed the cover of the book, I originally wanted something a long the lines of a badass mifia boss with her arms covered in tats and maybe a woman standing next to her or on her lap holding a dying flower, but can't find anything along the lines so changed it to what it is now as I feel like it pops a bit more.

Anyways enjoy this chapter lovelies 🫶


Harley lay on her bed staring up at the ceiling keeping herself calm. She didn't want to believe what Myla had told her, Liv would never do that to her not now, not when they are finally making progress.

She turned her head to see Liv walk into the room shutting her door behind her as she slowly slipped her jacket off revealing her tattoos as she had on a black silk stylish vest top.

She strolled towards Harley standing in front of her with her hands in her white trousers. She didn't speak for a minute, she just stared at her waiting for her to explain, but she knew she wasn't going to so she let out a loud sigh before speaking up.

"Did you really punch one of my employees?" Harley stood up from the bed taking a deep breath in, confusion, anger and worry flooding her right now.

"Did you really make out with that employee?" Liv frowned. "That's why you punched her? I thought we were past that!?" She screamed extending her hand out to the air in disbelief that they were back to this conversation again.

"No today Liv! Did you kiss her today!?" Harley screamed moving closer to her. "I... uh... ah fucking Myla!" She screamed as she moved away from Harley making a mental note to make sure Myla gets her ass handed to her for this. She placed her thumb and index finger onto the bridge of her nose as she let out a sigh calming herself.

"So, you did. How could you do this! I... I thought we were making progress... that we... we weren't seeing anyone else." Liv took a deep breath in moving towards Harley once again, hearing the pain in her voice crushed her like no other.

She placed her hands onto Harley's arms rubbing them gently. "No, no baby no. I didn't kiss her. She kissed me so pushed her away and told her never to touch me again. I don't want anyone else Harls. I just want you, please believe that?"

Tears began to form in Harley's eyes as she shook her head unsure as to how she felt, I mean Liv kissing Myla made sense to her, in her eyes Myla was the prefect partner for her. She knew how this business ran, how this life style went. She was gorgeous like Liv, had the tattoos to match the badass personality that's needed for this life... and most importantly didn't have much of a moral compass to get in Liv's way.

"I just... I don't know Liv. I mean how could you not want her... she's gorgeous, she gets you more than I do." Liv shook her head frowning as she placed her hand onto Harley's cheek wiping her tears. "No, she doesn't. You get me. I want you Harley. Just you. No one else I promise."

"But why? Why do you want me!? I'm just going to get in your way, I don't do anything to help your business. I just sit around the pool all day waiting until you've got a free minute."

"Please Harley." Liv's voice broke slightly telling Harley she was getting upset, she was starting to let her in slowly. "Don't let that bitch ruin what we have. Remember this morning, you were so happy, remember?" Liv questioned as Harley frowned, her tears still slowly roll down her cheeks.

"I thought we were so happy?"

"Are you asking me if I was unhappy this morning?" Harley nodded letting out a sigh, feeling defeated and hating Myla more than ever now and a little herself, she let Myla get in to her head, twist what she has with Liv so much so that she's doubting their relationship.

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