Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Big THANK YOU for 1K reads, I'm in shock, I didn't think this story would get much reads let alone 1K. So thank you everyone who has been reading, voting and commenting. Its very much appreciated.

Liv drove an hour to the airport where her private jet was fuelled up already waiting for take off. She spent around five hours on the jet heading to a private island that Rose had been living on for the past three years.

When they landed there was a large black Range Rover waiting for her with a driver. They drove for close to an hour before he pulled up outside of a small house with a large garden.

She got out of the car rushing up to the small cute place that she had bought for Rose. It was very homey and most importantly safe from Liv's enemies. She placed her hand onto the handle turning it, opening the door to see the red haired woman she once loved more than anything in this world walking down the hall towards her.

She was gorgeous in every way, the red hair drew everyone to her with bright blue eyes, she had a thin small nose, some would call it cute. Her lips were plumped and round with fair smooth skin and a body that could make anyone go weak at the knees. She was in blue tight jeans with a white vest top, a long necklace hung from her neck.

"Where is he?" Liv questioned. "He's..."

"Mama!" She heard a beautiful boy scream with joy as he rushed down the hallway into her arms with the biggest smile she had ever seen. "Baby, hi." She grinned hugging him tightly showing him how much she had missed him.

She picked him up looking him over. She saw his tired blue eyes telling her he had been crying most of his morning. He was a beautiful little boy with dark fluffy hair, he had a similar nose to Liv, thin at the bridge and becoming slightly wider at the nostrils, but still small. His bottom lip was a little more plumped than the top. He had a lovely golden skin tone to him telling Liv he still loved to play outside more than anything.

She frowned when she saw the small fresh scar on his head. "Oh my poor boy." She said giving him a gentle kiss on the right side of his forehead. "I'm okay, mama. I just fell."

"Yeah, Aunt Rose told me... how did you manage to fall down the stairs?" She questioned looking to the right of her at the staircase, seeing some blood embedded into the cream carpet.

"I tripped over my toy I was playing with. Aunty Rose called me for breakfast and I didn't see my toy." He explained playing with Liv's hair in his tiny fingers. She nodded looking to Rose who let out a sigh.

"Okay honey. Were you a brave boy at the hospital?" He gave her a wide smile nodding. "He was very brave." Rose said walking towards them as the small child looked at her burying his head into Liv's neck extremely happy to have his mother with him again.

"How long are you staying?" Rose questioned. "For the weekend." Her son shot his head up bouncing in her arms slightly as he screamed for joy. "Yay!" Rose and Liv let out a small laugh at the young boy as Liv put him down.

"What are we having for dinner?"  He questioned.

"Tuna pasta." Rose said as she had already started it. "Okay." He said before running off only to stop when Liv called out to him.

"Enzo slow down! You're just back from the hospital." She warned her child who nodded smiling up at her still very happy to see her. "Okay, mama. Can I show you my drawing?"

"I'd love to see your drawing baby. You go on into the living room and I'll be through in a second. I just need to talk with your aunt first." He nodded running once again heading into the living room.

Liv rolled her eyes as she bounced her arms off her sides showing her frustration with her child. Rose chuckled as she folded her arms smiling at her.

"So, he's okay?"

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