「ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9: ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ-ɢʀᴀᴅᴇ ᴄᴜʀꜱᴇ, ᴊᴏɢᴏ」

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❝ K-I-C-K-Y-O-A-S-S! ❞

Ijichi drove on an empty road. The moon was high in the sky and it was dead silent. "There's still a while before your appointment with the principal. Do you want to stop somewhere?" Ijichi spoke up.

"It's fine. I'll show up early for a change", Gojo responded. He leaned against the car window, immediately sensing something out of place. "Stop the car."

Ijichi did as he said and stopped the car. Gojo stepped out of the car and looked at Ijichi. "You can go ahead", Ijichi hesitated for a moment as she stuttered a bit before leaving.

"Now then", he stepped out of the way as a cursed spirit appeared out of nowhere. "Who might you be?" the cursed didn't answer and just grinned. A strange volcanic head that was similar to the cursed spirit's one. A strong eruption blasted from the small volcano that cleared a small portion of the forest and left an ashy ground with dust flying everywhere.

"That was easier than I expected", the curse spoke up with a chuckle before going silent as it noticed Gojo wasn't affected at all.

"Easy? Are you sure about that?" Gojo was silent for a moment. The cursed spirit was definitely a special-grade, and an unregistered one, maybe stronger than the current Sukuna. "Special-grades supposed to be just that. Special. Can't have them popping around like this, you know.

"Did I hurt your pride?" the curse's grin widened and prepared another attack.

"Nah, I'm starting to find this fun", Gojo cracked his knuckles and a smile of his own form on his face. A strange insect shell popped up from the curse's volcano head and formed into a group of insects.

"Ember Insects!" the swarm of insects charged at Gojo, trying to sting the sorcerer but Gojo from the insects in their place. "What happens if they sting me?" he asked but a strange sound emitted from them and soon detonated.

Gojo stood on top of the wall next to the broken road as Jogo quickly rushes him with a palm full of flames, striking Gojo's head and bursting into flames. He moved behind him and struck his back, making a similar move to the one before. "Is that it? Looking into it myself, it was just an exaggeration by the weak. That human was just as weak as the rest", the curse turned his back to the smoke and walked off before stopping at the sound of Gojo's voice.

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