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"ohh that's why there's blue and pink candy." austin swift whispered to himself.

"wait- twins?" novas mother asked. "is that why you're showing so much?"

what novas mom had said gained a couple of dirty looks from the guests, and even from nova herself.


it may have been the hormones being crazy or just nova, but she felt really offended and insecure about what her mom had told her.

"well, i never got as big as you are, and you're only half way cooking those babies, if you know what i mean. and we can't deny, you've put some weight on, not just in the stomach."

nova felt a tear prick her eyes. she quickly excused herself to the bathroom, not wanting to make more of a scene.

taylor apologized to the guests and followed nova inside.

nova locked herself inside of the bathroom, and immediately began sobbing. maybe the bathroom wasn't a good choice for a room to hide in, because looking at herself in the mirror didn't help.

"baby, let me in." taylor said softly, knocking on the door. nova opened the door and crashed into taylor's arms.

"i know, sweetheart." taylor whispered, caressing the brunettes hair.

nova pulled back, looking up at her fiancé. "do you think i'm fat?"

taylor looked taken aback. "nova, i-"

"answer the question, please." nova cried. "do i look fat?"

"no, baby. you're not fat. i said it earlier and i'll say it again, you're gaining weight because it's normal and because you're carrying a little human inside of you."

"well, humans." she corrected herself before continuing.

"look, have you gained some weight? yes. but i don't love you any less than before."

nova nodded, sniffling. "thank you tay. i know you don't love me any less, but i just feel fat and that makes me feel insecure and like i'm just taking up space, and-"

taylor shushed her fiancé, hugging her again. taylor didn't want the brunette getting all worked up again.

"why don't we go outside and have some cake, hm?" taylor suggested, and nova nodded.

"what kind is it?" nova asked, wiping her eyes.

taylor smiled, putting her arms around the brunettes waist. "it's pineapple upside down cake. i know it's your favorite, and i figured you would rather have that than some other, more traditional, flavor."

nova smiled. "you know me so well."

the party continued, and for the rest of the night nova tried not to talk very much to her mother. she wasn't ignoring her, but she didn't want to stir up any more unnecessary drama.

it was getting late, and people started leaving the party. by this time in the night, nova was exhausted from standing all day and walking around so much.

by the time everyone had left, nova was sat on the couch, her head tilted onto her own shoulder and her feet on the coffee table.

taylor came behind nova and began rubbing the pregnant woman's shoulders.

nova moaned softly. "that feels so good, tay." taylor chuckled at the half-asleep woman. "i know, i'm just so talented."

nova sat up more, trying to turn around to face taylor. the blonde saw that novas stomach got in the way, so taylor came around the couch and sat beside the brunette.

"i ate way too much." nova frowned, leaning her head onto taylor's shoulder.

taylor smiled softly. "that's okay. make sure that you don't stop yourself from eating what you want to eat tomorrow, just because you overate today."

"i know, baby." nova nodded. with her eyes closed, the brunette soon fell asleep, as did the blonde next to her.

the next morning, nova woke up to the sound of glass shattering from the kitchen.

"taylor?" nova whispered, still half asleep, thinking there may be an intruder in the apartment. she moved her arm to taylor's side of the bed, finding the space empty.

novas eyes shot open. "taylor?" she said a bit louder. she struggled to get out of bed, her growing belly getting in the way. once she exited the bedroom, she saw taylor in the kitchen picking up another plate and throwing it.

"baby? what's wrong?" novas eyes widened, seeing the blonde in such a state. she slowly walked towards the blonde woman, and taylor turned around, her eyes incredibly bloodshot.

"oh my gosh." taylor said, with a slight scowl on her face. she was... mad?

nova didn't realize she had said that out loud, but before she could stop herself, taylor yelled, "of course i'm mad," throwing another plate.

"look at you!" she yelled more. "have you seen yourself? my goodness, you have gained so much weight. why don't you just- i don't know- starve yourself! it would definitely make us both happier if you were skinner. i mean, you've never been exactly thin, but i mean, look at you now!"

nova couldn't believe what she was hearing. just the night before, taylor had told her how beautiful she was.

nova started crying, not being prepared for what taylor had said. suddenly, taylor looked remorseful.

her voice got fuzzy, almost as if she was underwater. "nova? nova, are you okay?"

nova sat up on the couch, gasping for air. she wasn't in the kitchen, and she hadn't fallen asleep in her bedroom last night. it was just a dream, but she couldn't help shake the things that dream-taylor had said. nova wiped her eyes, and realized her face was still damp from the tears shed in her sleep.

"nova, are you okay, baby?" taylor asked softly, caressing her fiancés cheek.

"i-" novas voice cracked, so she cleared her throat. "i'm fine."

taylor frowned. "are you sure? you can talk about it with me, if you want."

"no, i'm fine. really, it was just a bad dream. i don't really want to make a big deal out of nothing."

taylor furrowed her eyebrows, but decided to just let it go. "do you want me to make you pancakes for breakfast? i know they're your favorite."

"no, i'm not hungry."

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