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once taylor was sober and realized what had happened, she apologized profusely to nova, and feeling terrible about how she had reacted to their argument, that was, in hindsight, quite unnecessary.

nova had forgiven the blonde, of course. that didn't stop taylor from feeling bad.

"nova, i honestly don't know what i was thinking. i was just going to go on a walk, and i passed a liquor store, and-"

"taylor!" nova snapped slightly to get her girlfriends attention. "you are completely fine, okay? i forgive you."

nova sighed, looking at taylor who was still a bit hungover from the night before.

"i'm sorry, taylor. i just need you to know how much i love you, and i was scared for you! what if something bad had actually happened? you're, like, the music industry, if someone had seen you, it could've been bad." nova expressed, trying to get taylor to understand.

"okay. okay, fine. that's good. thank you for forgiving me." taylor quickly responded, nodding her head.

"hey, why don't we get lunch. what do you want?" the brunette suggested, mostly to try distracting herself and her fiancé, but also just because she was hungry.

"that's a good idea." taylor smiled. "what should we get?"

"why don't we order pizza and watch a movie?" nova bit her lip, hoping that taylor would agree with the idea, which she did.

an hour later, the two women were crying to the bridge to terabithia movie.

"i know it's supposed to be a kids movie, but it always makes me cry!" nova sobbed, clutching taylor's sleeve.

while taylor had tears streaming down her face as well, she chuckled softly. "oh, baby, i'm so sorry." the blonde joked.

they had finished their pizza, and their argument was long forgotten. they were almost finished with the movie, and they didn't have much to do for the rest of the day, so nova went to write music.

as she was writing, she took breaks from her notebook on the floor beside her to the guitar hanging from her neck, playing notes and trying to establish a melody.

"walking scott street, feeling like a stranger, with an open heart, open container," nova whispered to herself, making lyrics up as she went.

nova didn't know, but taylor was standing in the doorway, watching the brunette with an admirable smile.

"i asked you, 'how is your sister? i heard she got her degree'."

nova turned back to her notebook to write the lyrics, and while she looked up from her notebook to think, she saw her fiancé.

"hey, tay." nova smiled softly. "you want to come sit next to me?"

"nah, i prefer standing over here watching you creepily." taylor joked before walking over and sitting down anyway.

"so, do you want to hear what i have so far?" nova asked, looking at the older woman.

she smiled, nodding. nova played the guitar, singing the lyrics she had so far softly.

she then stopped playing the acoustic instrument suddenly, looking at the blonde next to her.

"and that's all i have so far." taylor smiled at nothing in particular.

"did you write that yourself?" taylor asked, looking at the brunette.

"no, olivia helped me write it. didn't you know that olivia aspired to be a songwriter?" nova joked, grabbing the white cat from next to her.

the cat meowed in protest, but stayed in the brunettes arms anyway.

"so," nova drawled out. "are you comfortable with continuing the wedding planning?"

"yeah, that sounds good. but if you weren't finished writing for the day, you can keep writing and i will do something else." taylor replied, leaning over and petting olivia, who was on novas lap.

"oh, it's fine! i have about half of this song already written, and then i have completed another song that will go on my debut album, 'memories'." nova explained kindly to the blonde.

taylor nodded slightly, before speaking again. "have you already played me memories?"

"yes, but i can play it again for you?" nova chuckled, as it felt like nearly a century ago that she had even come up with the concept for her track one song, memories.

taylor nodded, and nova began playing the guitar.

"i'm sorry, give me a moment." nova said quickly before standing and getting her keyboard.

"what? the song wasn't exactly written for a guitar, so it won't sound as good."

olivia benson jumped off of novas lap, leaving room for the piano.

taylor chuckled, watching as nova began to playing notes on the keyboard.

"its been a couple months, that's just about enough time," nova started singing, her naturally low, alto singing voice really playing a part to how the song sounded.

"for me to stop crying when i look at all the pictures, now i kinda smile, i haven't felt that in a while." the brunette continued singing while playing the piano on her lap.

taylor was so entranced in nova, looking at the woman with so much love.

nova quickly finished the song, and taylor clapped for her.

"oh, thank you, thank you. truly appreciate it." she joked, bowing towards taylor.

the two began laughing softly, and taylor smiled at her fiancé.

"thats like, a really good song nova." taylor praised the shorter woman, still smiling.

"well, i would hope so. if it sucked, then my potential future career would be ended before it even started." nova replied, kissing taylor.

the brunette pulled back a second later, looking at the woman in front of her.

"gosh, i love you so much, tay." she said, leaning in for another kiss.

they pulled back once again, and novas eyes widened.

"what?" taylor chuckled.

"speaking of writing music," nova said, holding the last syllable.

"have you started writing for your new album yet?"

taylor smiled slightly. "yes. i'm thinking of calling it 'karma' and i've only completed writing one song, but i still need to talk to jack about it."

"jack antonoff?" nova asked, to which taylor nodded her head.

"whats the song you wrote?" the brunette questioned, and to that taylor chuckled.

"it's called gorgeous, and you can figure it out on your own who it's about."

my lover | taylor swift storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora