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for the next week, taylor and nova had just been hanging out at taylor's home. taylor's publicist, tree, was concerned about the two of them hanging out. with the press and paparazzi and everything, there were already tons of rumors about the two.

tree was currently sitting on taylor's couch with the blonde, discussing possible options. "we could have her sign forms saying that she will have to be seen with you for the next year?" tree suggested to taylor.

nova was beginning to walk into the room from the guest bedroom, which may as well have been called her room with how much she slept in it. as nova walked in, she heard the end of what tree had said.

"what are you two talking about?" nova asked the blonde and the red head. tree began to stand up, extending her arm to shake novas hand. "hello, i'm tree paine, taylor's publicist. we are just discussing options for your friendship, since you two have already been seen in public together."

nova shakes her hand, before being motioned to sit next to taylor. as she sits, tree takes a breath before continuing. "if novas name gets released to the press, the fans and paparazzi would do anything to try meeting taylor or getting answers about her."

"they could come to your work," tree continued, looking at nova. "that has happened before. they could get your phone number, address, anything."

novas eyes widened slightly. "so, what do i have to do?" she questioned. "well, do you want to continue to be friends with taylor or stop hanging out?"

"stop- why would i want to stop being friends with taylor? i don't care if they find out my name or anything, taylor is an amazing friend and i wouldn't trade her for the world."

"it has happened before," taylor told nova. "you know, my friends leaving because of the public." frowning, nova looked back at tree. "so what do i do?"

"well, you could sign these forms that say you have to be seen in public with taylor for the next year. we could even pay you, if you'd like."

"what about my job? i do have a job, so would i just quit?" tree shook her head, getting a bit annoyed. "you would probably put in your two weeks notice as soon as you know if you'd be signing or not. after that, well, we will cross that bridge when we get to it."

taylor and nova nodded, and nova asked tree for the forms. she signed them in silence, and olivia benson jumped on her lap gracefully as she signed.

once nova had finished signing the forms, tree took them back and was getting ready to leave. "i hope you know what you've gotten yourself into, nova."

that scared nova a little, but she decided not to take trees last words before leaving personally. once tree had left, nova and taylor sat on the couch drinking coffee while 'greys anatomy' played quietly on the tv.

nova decided she wanted to look on her phone, and one of the first things she saw were people theorizing about her and taylor's friendship. some people were saying they were dating, some were saying nova was using taylor for fame, and one even said that nova was too ugly to be friends with taylor swift.

that one post on novas looks made her really self conscious. if there were a million positive comments and one negative, that one negative would overpower all of the positives.

"hey," taylor placed her hand gently on novas thigh. "you okay?" nova looked up at the blonde. "yeah- yeah i'm fine." nova answered, shaking her head.

"okay. are you hungry? i can make us some breakfast." nova looked down for a second before looking back up. "nah, i'm not that hungry right now."

taylor was a bit skeptical, but got up nonetheless to make herself breakfast. she got out all of the ingredients to make crepes with ham and parmesan cheese. then, she got out an egg that she would fry for herself.

taylor brought her plate to the table and began eating. after a few minutes, nova came in and sat down next to the blonde. "hi." she whispered, leaning onto taylor's shoulder.

"hey, are you feeling okay?" taylor asked the brunette who was tiredly shutting her eyes. "yeah, i'm fine. i'm just exhausted and worried about the forms and the press and everything."

taylor frowned. "you should be okay. if you're worried, you can always talk to me about it." nova nodded with her eyes still closed.

as nova was already falling asleep on taylor's shoulder, taylor had finished her food and didn't want to wake the shorter girl. instead of waking her up and putting her plate in the dishwasher, she began to just think.

her brain was running one thousand miles per minute, and she had a lot on her mind. she was questioning if she had a crush on nova. she had never felt this way for one of her friends before, and she had never even thought to explore her sexuality.

thinking about it, growing up, taylor had always had 'crushes' on the girls in cartoons rather than boys. she had never really looked into it, and she had only dated boys before.

if she randomly came out as bisexual, how would the public take it? how would her mom take it?

she finally decided she needed to get up and put her plate away. she shook nova, and nova groaned in protest. "i know, but i have to get up and put my plate away."

nova sat up, rubbing her eyes like a little kid. as taylor got up, nova got up as well. "where are you going?" taylor asked nova.

"i'm going to the guest bedroom. i'm exhausted and i just want to sleep." nova replied, slightly agitated. "oh, okay. goodnight."

without looking back, nova continued to the room. taylor frowned, a bit worried about the younger girl. she made her way to the sink, and began to wash her plate.


hey! i am currently grounded for about another week, so i may not update for a few days. i am so sorry, and i will make up for it!

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