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"You're quiet."

I looked away from him, focusing my attention on Everly who was riding this swan style merry go round. I smiled really big at her and waved, even though I waved every time she passed me.

"What is with you? You've been off since we walked in here." He made another attempt to get through to me and I cheered for Everly, waving again.

"Hey!" He grabbed my arm and forced me to face him. "What is up with you?"

"Are we friends River?" His brows quivered and he looked surprised.

"Well, I'd like to think so Mil-"

"Do you shove your dick in all of your friends?" I folded my arms over my chest defiantly and he had the audacity to roll his eyes, dismissing the seriousness of my argument. "Well, do you?" I tapped my toe against the ground, driving it home that I actually wanted an answer.

He smirked at me, super cocky. "If you want to get crude about it, no. I shove my dick into random strangers."

"Do you tell all of your friends not to take their birth control?"

"I don't have any friends."

"That's funny, I thought I was your friend?"

He chuckled and slung his arm over my shoulder, pulling my body into his. "Oh god, shut up. Are you seriously mad at the choice of words I used to describe you to my employee?"

"Yes." I pushed him away but his hold was too strong. "And I'm mad that you didn't introduce Everly as your daughter. It's like you didn't want her to know who we are."

"I didn't want her to know."

"Momma! Can we do the ghost train next?" Everly came running up to us, her black hair flowing wildly with her excitement.

"Won't you be too scared?" River teased, crouching down to her level and putting on a spooky voice, "there's a lot of ghouls in there. They might getcha!" He grabbed her waist and tickled making her squirm and laugh like crazy.

"No, you'll be so super scared because you're a big old scaredy cat!" She argued back. "Come, come, come!" She skipped ahead knowing the exact route.

"Why didn't you want her to know?"

He sighed, "you're still going on about this? Really Millie?"

"Why didn't you want her to know? Because you've slept with her? Because you've dated her? Why?"

"I would never hire someone I have slept with. I would never sleep with someone I have hired. That would be serious misconduct.

I'm her boss, I'm responsible for making sure she pays the mortgage each month, I'm the one dishing out the disciplinary if she fucks up. There's a line drawn between my business and my personal life, that's how I like it.

I don't want the whole company knowing my private business. So it was never about keeping you a secret. It was about protecting my privacy and I'm sorry if I hurt you in doing that."

"You didn't." I answered childishly and he smiled with amusement, he was laughing at me, again. "Not really an appropriate way to greet someone you employ though, don't you think? Oh and the flirting-"

"I didn't flirt."

"She did."

"Well I didn't." I mean that statement was true. "I guess at one point we were friends. When I first opened this park, I hired as many kids and struggling adults as I could. I knew a lot of people in poverty because I lived it myself. She used to date someone from the group home back in the day and she's crawled her way up to manager because she's a good worker. Sometimes that line slips a little, especially when I'm dealing with people I know from my past but I quickly put it right back in place and they rarely get to see the informal side of me anymore."

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