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"I'm not sure about this." I admitted, gripping my child's hand tightly in my own.

"Millie, I would never suggest leaving her here if she wasn't going to be safe. You have my word, nobody will even get close to her. I have a guy stationed at every exit. Many men watching the building from every angle, all day."

He pointed to the high-up window in the opposite building and there was a literal sniper pointing directly at us.

He pointed to a community bench on the street where a man blended in with a newspaper in his hand, except he wasn't even reading it, he was looking directly at us.

He pointed to the line up of stationary cars, each one with men inside, all paying attention to Sunshine and Smiles daycare.

"She's safe." He concluded.

"Momma! Can we go in now?" Everly tried tugging me forward by the leash of our interlinked hands but I couldn't move.

"You have to let her be a kid Millie, this is the best place for her right now. Somewhere safe with people her own age and toys to play with." He looked down at his ringing phone and rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna take this and you're going to be strong and walk her in there. I'll be right out here waiting."

The way he looked at me, made me feel completely naked like he could see through every layer of skin and know how truly nervous I felt around him.

Even in this moment, when he didn't even know Everly was his, he knew how to parent her better than me. While I couldn't see through the thickness of my own fear, he was telling me what she needed.

"She's okay." He reassured and I nodded, trusting him.

The second we walked in the building Everly detached our hands and ran to play. I lingered in the doorway, twinges of anxiety crept through me like poison. I stood lurking, watching her with emotion heavy on my heart.

"Everything okay Miss Barnes?" Her teacher approached with a warm smile on her face and I wiped it off instantly with my panic.

"Don't let anyone collect her besides me." I warned, my voice sharp and intimidating, she was a little taken aback. "If anything happens, call me. I mean it. Anything."

"Of course Miss Barnes, your little angel will be perfectly fine here, we have chocolate chip cookies today."

I couldn't fight back a small scoff of rude laughter, "fighting the worlds problems one chocolate chip at a time." I muttered, backing away slowly so I could keep my eyes trained on Everly for the longest possible time.

River was leaning against his car when I got back outside, the sun beat down on him and he looked fucking orgasmic, which really wasn't fair.

"All good?"

"No." I uttered, rushing around the car so I could get into the passenger side. "Where are we going and why are you dressed so smartly?" He grew a cute lopsided grin and my eyes narrowed on him.

"Contrary to your beliefs-" he concentrated on backing out and setting the vehicle off onto the road, "I am not a murderer by trade. I do actually have a day job and I'm running late." He hit buttons on his dashboard and a low breeze tunnelled towards us. It had an underlining sweet fragrance, like peppermint.

"What happened to you River? I mean, I know you were into some sketchy shit back then but murder? How did you get so deep you got into that?"

His fingers gripped the steering wheel tighter and he squirmed in his seat because I guess I made him feel uncomfortable.

"Got myself mixed up with the wrong people at the wrong time." He answered vaguely. "You can't talk about this with anyone, do you understand that Millie?"

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