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The pain spiralling from my head made my stomach wrench. It echoed out from one spot, throbbing it's way through my whole skull.

My eyelids felt like the heaviest things in the world when I split them apart and blinked through my blurred vision.

"Everly?" I whimpered out, trying to sit up but everything was spinning and I could feel myself about to vomit everywhere.

"Your brat is as good as dead." He knelt over my semi-conscious body and I couldn't move to escape him. "That company is mi-"

A vase got smashed over his head and when he dropped to the floor Everly was the one standing behind him.

"We need to get out of here Momma, your face is bleeding." I somehow managed to crawl to my feet, using the aid of the wall to bear most of my weight.

Leighton was knocked out cold on the floor and I took that opportunity to slip the gun out of his waist holster.

Right now, I didn't know who to trust. Leighton had been working side-by-side with Hendrix this whole time. For all I knew, the second we stood outside we could be bombarded by Rivers men, men whom were also double crossing him.

I needed a plan and I didn't have the time or brain capacity to think of one at that moment.

Leighton was starting to move and grumble so I grabbed hold of Everly's hand and forced my body to cooperate enough to get us upstairs.

The craftsmanship of this house was phenomenal, if the situation wasn't as dire I would've appreciated the beautiful carvings in all of the wood trimmings, the architecture of the plaster trims and the care that generally went into every detail.

But the situation was dire, so I entered the room with 'Theodore' carved into the door and used furniture to barricade us in.

"Sit in here." I guided Everly inside the walk-in closet. There were no windows or outside walls in the closet so I figured bullets would have to get through two separate inner walls before hitting her. "Lay down flat and stay here."

I walked over to the window, hiding to one side so I could look out in a way that wasn't as obvious. Several cars lined the driveway, armed men stationed absolutely everywhere.

I opened the barrel of the gun, checking it was loaded with enough bullets to see me through and then I placed it down on the desk and cast my eyes around the room.

It was a child's bedroom.

Powder blue walls and an abundance of toys, there was nothing concrete enough to help me get us out of here alive. I picked up a solid baseball bat and handed it to Everly.

"Hit anyone, even if you're not sure. Hit them. Aim for the head if you can or the privates." She nodded in affirmative.

I heard voices from outside the window and so I returned back to my previous stance. Trying to push the old paintwork upward to open the window.

"She went fucking crazy on me." He showed the blood on his fingers from the base of his skull to one of the guarding men. "Kept screaming about how she couldn't trust me and then attacked me. Bitch made me concussed and stole my gun. Watch your backs. You tell Theo I had to go get medical, I'll be in touch."

"He's leaving." I whispered, directing my voice over to the closet.

Leighton got in his car and revved his engine as he zoomed off and away. I blew his whole master plan, now he's gone, recuperating up a new plan and that fucking unnerved me to my core.

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