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River lived in a boujee castle.

Okay, I'm being dramatic. He lived on the top floor of a high-end apartment building, one of those with security glued to the reception desk at all times.

Everly curled her hand into mine and skipped alongside me, not impressed by any of the riches surrounding her. I wish I could've been more like her, but when the elevator opened directly into his apartment I almost fell to the floor with how extravagant it was.

It wasn't like a home, more like an art gallery. The decor was beautiful but cold and expensive, lacking a heart. River walked right on in, telling some invisible system to 'activate the lights.'

I took my time, soaking it all in.

Huge paintings hung from some of the walls, they added character and colour to an otherwise lacklustre room but they didn't feel like something River would choose to have in his home. Or at least, they didn't feel like the River I used to know.

Just like in his office, there was a whole wall made from glass, overlooking the greenery of St Winstons park.

But there was also random crap dotted around, like sculptures - not ones he made himself but instead greek marble statues, where the 'bits' were covered by some sort of leaf ensemble. He also had big antique urns on the tables and things hanging from the ceiling.

"I didn't peg you to be the arty type." I commented, running a finger along one of the vases. He didn't say anything to me, he just stood behind the counter of his open plan kitchen, pouring milk into a glass.

Everly had two small rocks in her hand, no doubt she pulled them out of her never-ending pockets of useless collectibles. She was nattering to herself, making the two rocks talk to one another through quiet whispers.

"It must be nice to have unlimited money that you just get to burn through on pointless shit." He scoffed, shook his head and drank his milk, clearly not liking the rudeness of my comment.

This was the reality now, five years had passed and he was a completely different person.

"You pay other people to clean and cook for you too? There's no way a man of your stature would clean up his own mess." I faked a gasp, "a dirty dish, whatever can I do?" I chuckled.

It wasn't even playful teasing, I knew that. I was being a bitch because he made me feel bitter by taking away my say. But he was mad too, I could sense it. I don't know why he was mad, unless he knew about Everly but let's be real, how could he know?

"For the record," I sat down on his rock hard sofa and winced with discomfort, it was shaped weirdly, like it was only placed there for decoration. "I liked the other condo better."

Everly banged one of the stones down on a glossy table and the vase almost tumbled to the floor. I leapt up quick, my heart playing a melody of dramatic beats in my ears.

"Everly!" I scolded, "don't do that, don't touch anything. This stuff is expensive."

River walked to the other side of his counter and leaned lazily against it. "You know, when we were younger and you saw my place at the group home you judged me far less than how you've judged seeing where I live today. How ironic, I was more ashamed back then." I narrowed my eyes on him. "Did you forget that? Where I came from?"

"No, you're just different now."

"Out of the two of us, you're the different one." He crouched down to Everly and my whole body stiffened, I had to fight the urge to pull her towards me and protect her. "Hey, don't worry about that stuff here. You can play without worrying about breaking something."

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