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It took two more hitchhiked rides, a sit down breakfast at McDonalds and a thirty minute walk before I could quite comfortably say we were almost home. River barely spoke to me.

He spoke to Everly, he spoke to the farmer on the first ride, the family on the second, the restaurant staff and a random dog walker, but me? No.

It wasn't that he was in a mood with me or generally displeasing towards me. He just seemed quiet like something was bothering him and it made for an awkward morning.

Maybe last night was still on his mind, perhaps his ego was a little bruised.

I slipped my key into the front entrance door of my apartment building, that comforting smell of dampness and dust welcomed me home. Everly raced ahead and I knew she was just as eager to see Tyler as was I.

I couldn't help but sheepishly look over at River for the billionth time, checking in on him. He smiled back which probably made things feel worse.

"I'm sorry it's not as comfortable as your place." I felt like I owed him an apology for the shit show of my building.

Everything about it screamed underfunded, the checkered floor tiles wiggled loose beneath our feet, decades of dirt gave them a brownish hue. The stairs creaked with each step we took and most of the doors we passed had yellow stickers on with the words 'EVICTION NOTICE' slammed to the front because this was the poor part of town.

River didn't say anything, shocker.

"I mean, I know you've been there and done that when it comes to not having any money but I think to a certain degree you would eventually get used to living so comfortably."

I was starting to nervously ramble in his silence. He was awkwardly following behind me, his eyes roaming everywhere.

"I imagine it's hard to swap back into the poor life, right?" He didn't answer again, or maybe I didn't give him a chance to before my mouth continued blabbering. "Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me? Did I upset you?"

"No." He mumbled and I still sensed something off between us so I stopped walking up the stairs, forcing him to stop too.

"You're quiet." I stated, "you've been quiet all morning."

"I'm fine." He answered me in short again and frustration was building up inside of me at his vagueness.

"Is this about last night?"

"Millie, do we have to do this now? Our child has disappeared from our sight. Keep up." He continued climbing the stairs and I stood for a while, watching the distance between us get bigger and bigger before I dragged my own feet.

Everly banged her fists on the door of 8C in that secret coded knock and as soon as the door opened she flew into his arms.

"My bestie! You're back!" He lifted her up to sit against his hip, "Where the heck have you been?"

"I met my dad." Everly pointed us out in the hallway and surprise registered on Tyler's face as those blue eyes hardened on River.

"Your dad, huh?" He muttered.

River stepped forward and extended his hand, "Tyler, it's good to see you again. How have you been?"

Tyler didn't shake his hand. He didn't even answer him. There was hostility there and I knew it was because he thought River abandoned me.

River lowered his arm slowly, "message received, okay then."

"I'll explain everything later Ty, I gotta go home and change out of these clothes. You good to keep her here for a while?"

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