Moonlit Ramblings

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The night was always the calmest time. When there wasn't some crazy crime happening, it was nice to enjoy the empty streets. The soft sounds of the freeway nearby was the city's lullaby. If Snake needed sleep, he would have loved to doze off to it.

"This is a nice little nook," Felix said, looking around. "I would have thought you had a fancier place than this, but it's not bad."

"I don't need an expensive loft," Snake told him. "Especially when I don't even sleep." Apartments were expensive as it was. He was just glad he could buy this place rather than rent. He got lucky and bought it right before a company came over to buy the original owners out.

"You're one of those rich guys that are incredibly frugal, aren't you?"

"I don't need a giant space," Snake merely shrugged. "Simple as that."

"Is there a coffin around here or something?"

"In this day and age, there are many more luxuries. I prefer the ones that humans call beds."

"I always wondered why vampires liked sleeping in caskets and coffins," Felix wandered around the room, looking at the walls of art that Snake had lined it with.

"So people will leave us alone and not bother us," he answered, opening his curtains to show the moonlight that shined brightly through the window. This cozy apartment had a great view, and some large windows to show it off. It was great for stargazing. "I once traveled the sea through a coffin."


"Every time I got to shore, the people would just kick me back to the waters," he chuckled. "Not the best time in my life, but I got plenty of sleep that way." Just to his luck, the coffin wouldn't sink to the bottom all the way. Somehow, he always managed to wake up seeing the sunlight peeking through the cracks.

"Reminds me of the ruins that I always found at the bottom of the sea," Felix told him, sitting down on one of the chairs that Snake had. "You'd be surprised how many dead bodies people just left down there."

"That doesn't surprise me at all," he said, setting down some paperwork on his desk. "It's one of the best ways to hide a body, given that the current is on your side."

"And you wonder why I suspected you."

"When was I ever by the sea?"

"You were in the sewer!"

"You know what you remind me of, Felix?" Snake shook his head. "One of those girls that have watched way too many Lifetime movies and murder documentaries."

"Lifetime movies?"

"You've never heard of them?" he raised a brow at him. "Oh, when this is over, we're going to have a fun movie night!"

"You're actually planning a movie night with me?" The man's shocked face was almost worth all the crap that he put him through. "Are you feeling well?"

"Perfectly fine," he assured him. "But if I'm going to be stuck working with you for the unforeseeable future, we might as well make it enjoyable."

They had been going around the town tracing their footsteps for the last week or so. From the beginning of this case at the Jukebox resort all the way to Jim's house, where the mystery really seemed to climax.

Snake wished he could say that they found something ground breaking, but there really wasn't much. The longer you wait to start looking, the less likely you are to find clues. He was honestly waiting until they combed through everything before he started to make any assumptions. If there was one thing he loved most about detective work it was the meticulous analyzing through every single factor that involved the case.

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