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"There's no way!" Daisy's jaw almost fell to the floor.

"Oh, this is great!" Alfonso said, combing his hair with his fingers. "First witches and now werewolves? I thought the city was supposed to be safe from all of this insanity!"

"I mean, it kind of is," Indigo shrugged, giving them all nervous smiles. "They protect the city."

"That explains all the disappearances by the forest," Florence said, her hand on her chin as she walked back and forth in the room.

Indigo probably should have kept it to herself, what she had found out. There were many reasons why she should have, but she had to talk to someone about this. And no one else would believe her if she told them. Jim was too busy working most of the time, which was normal considering his career choices.

She still had a lot of questions for him. They filled up her mind the longer she thought about what had happened. And thinking back to the multiple stories that her family had taught her before about werewolves was only adding onto her list.

"The fact that you think that they aren't dangerous is concerning," Florence said, giving her a motherly glare. "They probably control this entire city!"

"That explains why most of the men around here are so harry," Daisy giggled.

"We didn't need to hear that coming from you," Bartley sighed. "Look, this isn't really any of my business, but if you ask me, I don't think a city full of werewolves is the greatest thing in the world."

"Why?" Indigo asked.

"They're more animalistic, for one," Bartley explained. "They're territorial, of both their land and their lovers. If one falls for you or deems you their mate, then anyone else you talk to – especially of the opposite sex – could be seen as a threat by them."

"I hardly think that Jim is going to think that you're a threat," Indigo shook her head. There was no way that Jim was going to ever be that way towards her. They barely had enough time to talk anymore. After that dinner with his brother and sister, he had gone into his routine of work all while trying to talk to her as much as he could. She was happy that she heard from him at least once a day.

"Once I mark you, you'll be mine forever."

She had almost forgotten those words that came from Jim that day. It was such a low voice, she knew it wasn't the same person. But it was the same body, and the same man. The way that he held her and spoke to her still sent chills down her spine. But she knew that Jim wouldn't ever try to force anything on her. And there was no way that he was a jealous person.

Was he?

Now she was half tempted to test that out. She didn't know who, though. All she would have to do was a tiny bit of flirting to one guy just to see his reaction...

Nah, that would only cause drama. And drama was the last thing she wanted.

"It's the nature of every werewolf," Bartley told her. "That and they attract all other kinds of horrible beasts and creatures. The fights never end between their enemies."

"But they're fighting for good," Daisy said, surprising Indigo this time. "At least, that's what I can see. After all, they aren't the ones trying to kill us."

"There could be some ulterior motive," Florence said. "Like they wish to gain our trust so that we'd be easy prey for them."

"Now you're starting to talk like mom," Daisy rolled her eyes. "Besides, with all the traveling we did as kids, I don't think a bunch of houses in the middle of the forest are that weird at all."

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