Night Walk

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The streets were pretty busy that night. It wasn't surprising, considering it was a weekend night. That's when everyone went out on the town, barhopping and screaming into the night. With how many drunks there were on the streets that late at night, none of them would even think to notice him.

"She's in there," the man whispered into his watch, a black trench coat blending him in with the night. "Along with a huge crowd of people."

"And she's with him?" the voice on the other side of the watch asked. No one could hear that voice other than him with how much space he kept away from all of them.

"Yeah," he looked through the large window that the bar had. The two of them were easy to spot in the back of the place. With what she was wearing and how he was built, they stood out in crowds so easily. "They're making quite the couple."


"Do you want me to do anything?"

"Keep an eye on her," he ordered. "She could prove useful to us."

"You got it," they cut off communications with that, and he put his hands down calmly, watching the scene play out. There wasn't anything that a little bit of patience couldn't solve when it came to nights like these.

And with his kind of patience, they could last as long as the voice wanted him to. Keeping his distance, the cloaked man continued to watch the light scene before him...


She could barely hear the cheer of the crowd as she got dipped way down low, or the music that had been blasting the entire night. She hadn't been able to even hear herself think with the music blaring, but she could hear one of her exes as he came up to her in the crowd, trying to hook back up with her. This was really just a last resort.

And now it was a moment that would burn its memory into her heart forever.

There was just something about the taste of the man that she kissed so impulsively. She wasn't one to recoil at the taste of beer. She had tried plenty of drinks, and it seemed like this one was her favorite. It didn't help that she was quickly wrapped in strong arms. They held her like she was the most valuable thing in the world.

Never in her whole life had Indigo been kissed like this before. The way their tongues danced with each other. It felt like she had been kissing this man her whole life.

When they finally broke it off, desperate for air, she swore she never saw those irises so big before. The burly man looked so different from when she saw him in his uniform all those other times. There was something about seeing him in jeans and a plain t-shirt that she liked.

It wasn't until then that she started to notice all the sounds that were directed towards them. Even the bartender was whipping his towel in the air. She hadn't really seen so many people react to her kissing someone. But, the more she looked around, the more she realized that their reaction was mainly towards the man that was still holding her tight rather than her. There was even a table near the bar where two people were playfully howling at them.

She recognized them the more she looked. They were the other coworkers of Jim's, if she could see straight. Indigo hadn't been to the bar for that long, but she had drunk quite a lot before. Her and Daisy had been bar hopping, trying to have some fun out in the town. How Daisy's boyfriend wasn't getting jealous of her flirting with all the guys around every bar they went to sure surprised her. Daisy was always a flirt.

It ran in the family.

"Come on," Jim spoke close to her ear. With how loud it was around, she couldn't say that he was just whispering. But she was sure that she was the only one who could hear him at the moment. "Let's get out of the crowd."

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