chapter 5

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Market, Mumbai
Navi pov:

After hours of interrogation with mam here I am in market.
I have to buy so many things.

Some time later:
I came out from the mall I am quite thirsty , all thanks to this summer and I love drinks.

Ofcourse not alcohol.......

Drinks mean cold drinks, lassi, coconut water etc etc......

"Bhaiya please ek glass lassi Dena" I asked the shopkeeper
(Please give me one glass of lassi)

I am enjoying my lasi but then came some couple... I just looked away and mind my own business but suddenly the boy said~
" Babe seriously you gonna drink from this disgusting place"

I tried to don't say anything

(Keyword- tried)

"Not more disgusting than your face" My savage tongue reply without my acknowledge.

The boy started to look the owner of the voice but couldn't... you know why.....cuz the place is Little crowded.

After I come back to hostel I fresh up the ate my dinner.
Today I talked with my family then I went to my second bestie.... guess whooooo.... my Bed...cuz I am very loyal to my bestie so what we are far away...... I love her so my bed is my second bestie.

Third person pov:

"I think you should stay here some months" Srikant tell Aarynsh

"Why do you think like that.... you know I have to handle new York branch "

"Aarynsh you and me know very well that New York branch can be handled without you like other branches cuz you manege the total system very intelligently but right now you have to handle this branch ".

"You can handle here "

"For God shake Aarynsh I am not CEO and most importantly YOU build this Empire not me you have to handle this"

" I will think about it " Aarynsh was about to go away suddenly Srikant said

"May be I don't know what is your reason you are avoiding to stay here but only thing I will say that try to face your past don't try to run away from them... the more you run away from them the more they will hunt you"

After that Aarynsh went out.

Sometimes later:
Hotel, Mumbai

Aarynsh is mumbling something in his sleep suddenly he wake up panting heavily....he can't able to breathe so he started to find someone during this water jug fell from the table and broke due to this sound Srikant who is sleeping in next room come quickly and saw Aarynsh who is finding something.....

"Aary what happened???"

But Aarynsh didn't say anything he just continued finding at last he find some tablets then gulped with his shivering hands and sit down on sofa closing his face with his hands.

Srikant was about to say something

"Get lost"


"GET LOST" Aarynsh shouted...

Srikant came out from his room after glancing him for the last time .

After he went out Aarynsh grip his hair in frustration thinking why he have to go through this WHY????

Happy reading 🙂🙂🙂🙃🙃🙃

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