Holly Molly

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"This little guys will make a good team," they muttered while everyone gapped at them like they've lost it.

"Come on, let's get you clean," Cyril said pulling the older one with him while Lucas pulled the other two, the five of them took the elevator upstairs.

"I told you they will be fine," Scarlett said to her husband who release a sigh of relief.

"I guess I was thinking too much. I'm glad they're fine," Tristan muttered quietly as they both stood at the entrance of the dinning room.

The boys escorted the three young men to their bedroom and into the bathroom where a big bathtub laid with a steaming hot water with bubbles on the surface. The three men looked at the bathroom with gapping mouth, the bathroom was huge, the bathtub could fit in a whole family of six. There were three shower tubs and three bathrobes and towels waiting to be used.

"Wow, this is awesome," the younger man exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, this is like paradise," the elderly one muttered.

"Now I also want to have kids too," the second one said as the other two smacked the back of his head with a chuckle.

"Let's get cleaned up and head downstairs for dinner," the elderly one said as he started stripping off his clothes.

After twenty minutes they exited the bathroom wearing the bathrobes and using the towels to wipe their hairs. The twins were waiting for them as they play games on their TV but quickly put the pads away when they saw the three men and guided them into the closet.

The three young men jaws hit the floor of the closet when they entered, the closet was as huge as the bathroom and was divided into four, the left side contains shorts for the boys while the right side contains casual and formal wears for men, ranging from suits, shirts and others and the middle contains suits and casual wears for the boys while behind the door was a shelves of shoes ranging from kids to adults men.

"Holly Molly," the younger man exclaimed while the two boys giggled childishly.

"Was your father the one who did this," the elderly one asked the boys in amusement.

"Nope, we did this ourselves," Cyril replied confidently as their jaws hit the floor once again.

"Get dressed and let's go down for dinner, I'm starving," Lucas said rubbing his stomach dramatically causing the three young men to chuckle in amusement.

After ten minutes they walked through the elevator and into the sitting room, the three young men sat down while the boys sat on the elderly and the younger ones laps. "I see you are getting along well with your hosts," Serine said with a smile.

"Yes mom, they are cute. Who wouldn't love them," the younger man replied as he ruffled Lucas's hair.

"Hey, that's rude. Come on, fix my hair," Lucas said as he smacked his hand while everyone laughed.

"So little sis, do we have to beat that rascal? Forget it We will pay him a visit soon," the elderly one said coldly.

"I will beat him myself whiles you watch. Besides my fists have been itching for a while now," Scarlett replied with a wide grin while her three big babies eyes widen in shock.

"You're not joking right?" her big brother asked.

" No," she replied firmly.

"Wow, that will be cool," one of them said excitedly.

"Okay, time for introduction. Eerrrmmm everyone, these are my big brothers, that is Ricardo," Scarlett said pointing to the young man who has Cyril on his laps, Ricardo is a tall and mascular man. His black hair which he got from his father covers one of his blue eyes, he has a sharp jawline, straight nose and light red lips which were thin with slightly hallow cheeks. He was a handsome man.

"He's  Lucio," Scarlett pointed out the one in the middle. He got his silver blonde hair from his mother and his blue green eyes from both parents. His slightly pink lips looks thinner than that of Ricardo's. His straight nose and sharp jawline were inherited from his father, at the age of twenty five he was younger than his age.

"And last but not least is our cutie pie, Leonardo," Scarlett said motioning towards the younger one who has Cyril on his laps. He has silver black hair which was a strange combination but fits him perfectly. His features are not that sharp which makes him looks cute and easy to approach and his silver brown eyes are very memorizing to look at. He's lean but not really lean, all in all the three young men were a piece of art by God.

"And brothers these are my in-laws. This is my husband Tristian, your brother in-law and the big men on your laps are our sons, Lucas and Cyril, your nephews," Scarlett finished with a smile while Tristan and his family jaws dropped totally. They never thought the young lady was this serious about the marriage.

"Hello, nice to meet all of you and get use to seeing us around from now onwards," Ricardo said with a wide grin on his face causing everyone to chuckle.

"Let's go and have dinner," Tristan mother said as everyone hummed and stood up.

"Finally I'm starving," Lucas muttered causing Ricardo to laugh quietly.

The two families had dinner in harmony, the dinner time was filled with laughter and joy, if anyone was to walk in, that person would have felt the love in the atmosphere which is rare in most affluent families. After dinner and relaxation everyone retired for the night and as it was raining Scarlett's family decided to spend the night at the Zwicks villa and leave the next morning.

After putting the boys to bed, Scarlett and Tristian went to their room. Scarlett change into a black short and one of her husband's t-shirt while Tristan put on a pair of silk sleeping trouser without a shirt. Scarlett was making the bed when Tristan came out of the closet. Tristan leaned against the door to the closet as he gaze at his wife intently, damn she looks sexy as always.

He walked towards her after she was done, he hooked his arms around her waist and pulled her into his embrace gently. He hummed in satisfaction as he felt her warm skin against his, turning her around he captured her lips with his, he groan in approval at the taste of her lips. "You taste fucking sweet," he mumbled against her lips.

He suck, lick and bit her soft lips causing her to moan and wrapped her arms around his neck, she tugged at his hair which made him moaned in approval.  Tristan pulled away from her hesitantly as he stared into her eyes with unadulterated lust.

"Let's stop, can't control myself for long," Tristian mumbled breathlessly as he caressed her cheeks while she gave him a nod of agreement.

"Come on, let's get some sleep," he said as he pulled her towards the bed, the couple cuddled and drifted off to sleep together.

During the next few weeks, Scarlett worked from home, she pick her husband and kids from school and drop them at school and work. She took her duty as wife and mother serious which made the family happy and proud of her.

Scarlett didn't want to just be a house wife because is not her thing, she has her own company and other things that she has build painstakingly and she wasn't about to let all her hard work turn dusty so she decided to work from home and appoint a vice president for her company, she wants to have time for her family without other things interrupting.

Her father always say family before everything and she and her brothers has been thought that through out their lives.

Tristian and Scarlett have gotten more closer than before and the attraction between the couple is very difficult to ignore, he was totally whipped. Having Scarlett around has made taking care of his sons and himself more easy, plus he feels happy having her as his wife.

I'm so tired so please forgive me if there are any mistakes meanwhile don't forget to;



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