ch 6 - jo

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"Did they ever text you that they made it home?" I asked Alex as I went into the office to grab my stuff and wait for them to drive us home.

"No," Alex said with a frown. "You?"

"If they had texted me, why would I be asking if they texted you, nerd?"

"You do make a solid point there. Hold on."

A few seconds passed before my phone buzzed alerting me that I had been added to a groupchat called "boygenius and two dummies" by Alex.

*boygenius and two dummies*

Husband: did you guys make it home? this one over here is worried about you

"No way you just said that! I did not say I was worried!" I exclaimed.

*boygenius and two dummies*

Phoebe: we did! sorry we got caught up with beans and completely forgot to text

Lucy: babes you can't just say beans and expect people to know what that means

Julien: Beans is my dog. Thank you for checking in on us :)

"Of course she has her autocaps on. I could tell just by looking at her that she would have her autocaps on," Alex laughed.

I hate to agree with them, but it did kind of make sense. As I was laughing at how right Alex was, my phone buzzed again, but Alex's didn't.

"Oh please tell me it's Julien texting you," Alex said, trying to snatch my phone from my hands.

"It was Lucy actually, Mr. Nosy," I fired back at them. I was not about to admit to them that the text had in fact been about Julien.

Lucy: juls has not stopped talking about you since we walked out of the bar doors. please tell me you're coming tomorrow for my own mental sanity. you're great, but constantly hearing about you is slightly starting to get rid of some of the mysteriousness of meeting a woman at the bar and giving her our numbers.

I could not stop blushing after reading the text, which of course gave Alex the perfect opportunity to successfully grab my phone from my hands.

"I KNEW IT!!" they exclaimed.

"You didn't know anything, idiot! Julien did not text me."

"That much is correct, but her friend did text you on her behalf. And look! She texted again!"

Lucy: don't tell her i am texting you. she would for sure kill me if she knew i was telling you any of this.

"So you're both down bad is what I'm hearing," Alex said with a stupid little smirk on their face. "Watch this, I'll prove it."

I watched as they pulled their phone out and sent a text. Then I saw them typing again and my phone buzzed in my hand letting me know that the second text they sent was in fact to the entire group.

*boygenius and two dummies*

Husband: we're just about to leave the bar :/ i had to rescue babygirl over here from a group of the drunk guys that would not leave her alone

I heard Alex's phone buzz again and mine stayed silent. Alex let out a chuckle and turned their phone to show me what had made them laugh. It was a solo text from Phoebe.

Phoebe: yeah she's freaking out worried about her LMFAO

Phoebe: she said she should have stayed behind to make sure you all got home safe, like she could even say more than a sentence to Jo without turning the color of a tomato

"You did not text Phoebe to give you updates on Julien. There's no way," I said, disbelief evident in my voice.

"Oh, but darling I did. And isn't it glorious," Alex laughed while spinning around in their chair with their arms out to either side of them. "She's worried about you babes, text her."

"I can't just randomly text her! That's so weird!"

"Then text in the groupchat. Let her know you're alive and well at least."

"Ugh. I hate it when you're right," I said with a sigh.

*boygenius and two dummies*

Jo: i lived, all is well<3 alex here likes to blow everything out of proportion as i'm sure you've begun to notice

Husband: whaaaat what makes you say that

Husband: wait

Husband: is my name still husband in your phone

Husband: oh my god it is

Phoebe: brb changing your names in my phone to husband and wife

Lucy: already done. catch up phoebe

Julien: Now it's your turn to let us know when you make it home safely

Phoebe: you heard the woman

Jo: we will we will

Husband: scout's honor

Jo: you were never any kind of scout don't act honorable now

Lucy: mommy and daddy are fighting


Husband: we're about to walk out to my car, wish us luck

Lucy: good luck my loves

Husband: did you hear that babe? we're her loves<3

Phoebe: mine too don't forget me

Jo: is it weird to say i love you on the first date? is that was this is essentially?

Lucy: we're all gay here it's acceptable

As we walked out to the car, I kept rereading the text thread and laughing at how funny these guys were. We just met tonight, and briefly at that. Maybe love at first sight does exist. 

Ketchum, IDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें