15. Pasta

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I put the car in park, Seth and I both getting out of the car

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I put the car in park, Seth and I both getting out of the car. We planned to meet Sherry at a semi-formal restaurant that does have a variety of food that are all delicious for honestly the cheapest prices in the city, which is surprising.

"I don't see Aunt Sherry anywhere." Seth sighs.

"Patience, kiddo. You got to remember sometimes your Aunt Sherry pushes the time or is a little late." I smile.

"Not tonight Fayla." Sherry's voice pops up to the side with her getting out of a car. It is a different model from the last one she had for years.

Sherry and I both squeal in unison. She rushes over and squeezes me into a tight bear hug as we swing side to side some.

"It has been way to long!" Sherry exclaims when she pulls back some and smiles wide.

"Yes it has been." I smile.

Sherry's eyes seem to narrow on my small scar that I got from last year.

"Aunt Sherry!" Seth happily calls out grabbing her attention before she can say anything, which I am thankful for.

Sherry turns to Seth and her eyes widen as she takes in Seth.

"What in the hell are you feeding this kid?" Sherry laughs, while hugging Seth.

"Food." I laugh a little nervous since most is the same reaction Auntie had to seeing Seth after close to a year. Everyone has just been busy and made it hard to visit when living a couple states away.

They don't hug long since Seth is one to just prefer small hugs then he is content. I am the only one he wants long hugs and cuddles with but I think it is because I am his mother. I remember needing my mothers touch and there is nothing that was ever like it after she died.

Sherry seems to be looking hard at Seth but he moves back over to me, but she is not being creepy about it. Honesly, it seems like shock with how much he has grown since she seen him last because let's face it pictures don't do justice when it comes to things like height.

"Where is Levo?" I look back towards the car she got out of.

"Oh he actually had some work to tend to this evening. Honestly, it is the reason we got to come here were somethings his job needed done here and well I took the chance to tag along because it had been to long so I wasn't passing up the chance." Sherry smiles.

"I am so glad you did tag along." I smile as she loops her arm in mine and Seth moves to my other side as we walk to the restaurant.

We get seated and the receptionist left menus with us. There is a silence over the three of us while looking at the menus, once the waiter came to greet us and take our drink order.

Having found what I want to order, I place the menu down and look to Seth. He has his eyebrows furrowed while his eyes skim the pages.

"Can't find anything that sounds interesting?" I ask him finally.

Seth looks up and smiles. "Yeah there is a couple things but this one I have no clue what it is, so figure best to not even bother."

"Which one honey?" Sherry looks to Seth on her side like he is on mine, being it is a square table.

"This right here."

Sherry and I both glance over to where he points. I honestly have no clue either which is why I stray from it myself.

"Oh that is octopus and steak. Kind of their surf and turf here." Sherry smiles.

I interally gag but don't stop the small laugh as Seth grimaces at the sound of it. I know he is great with steak but not the other.

The waiter takes our orders when he comes back and then we just fall into the normal chit chat of catching up. Sherry tells us how the business is running with sales and such, while asking about Seth's schooling and my job.

"Do you guys have a pet now?" Sherry suddenly asks taking me by surprise.

"No. Why do you ask?" I look at her while keeping a neutral face. I had seen when Seth froze for a split second before just staying quiet.

"I had noticed a little bit of fur on your purse there." Sherry laughs.

"Oh that might have came from our neighbors dog. Such a loveable boy, he tends to jump up when I walk to my apartment." I play it off all while Seth's cheeks turn a light pink.

I mean it is not a total lie because Fido is a sweet boy to me at the least and he rubs over me everytime. I have been guilty of having my small purse I am using now so there is no doubt there is some of his hair on my purse. Guess I should have changed to a better purse but I have a love for this small black one.

Sherry hums and gets that same face when her mind seems to be else where. In a way, now I think of it her face reminds me of how Seth looks when Fido is talking with him but her eyes are not changing colors like his does. With a shake of my head, I don't give it a thought when our food is placed in front of us.

I went with a grilled chicken and cajun pasta dish with peppers, while Seth got a large steak with a side of noodles and mushrooms. Sherry had got the same as I had and we all dig into the food, letting the conversation take a back seat for just a few minutes to enjoy the food while it is good and hot.

"So I am off while you are in town, which all worked out perfectly with being my normal days off." I smile to Sherry.

Sherry squeals. "Okay so you know the city best, where is some good hang out spots? Or at least some shopping centers as long as Seth doesn't mind tagging along."

"I don't mind." Seth shrugs.

"He could use some new clothes himself too." I chuckle lightly since he really don't have much at all from the major growth spurts.

"So that at least has one day planned. You know I love to shop and we haven't done it in ages." Sherry squeals with a large smile.

Seth rolls his eyes and smiles. I know he would prefer other things but he is an easy kid plus I am out of reading material so a book store stop wouldn't hurt either.

"What time do you want to meet up in the morning? You can just come over to the apartment and we can carpool if you want." I offer Sherry.

"Early morning? That way we can be done early and get a nap in before dinner time. Tomorrow Levo is hoping we can all meet up as long as his meetings and business doesn't travel into those hours." Sherry smiles.

"That sounds perfect." I smile and nod.

It is great because Sherry loves getting in power naps when she can and this being her vacation time she won't miss out on them. As for Seth and I it gives a clear opening for him to be able to shift, which I seen him visibly relax too with the knowledge of it all.

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