Chapter 12- The Wolf Den

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"(Y/n)! (Y/n)? Are you still out here?"

"Why would she be out here?"

I woke up, realizing I fell asleep again on top of my den. The fur coat was shielding me from the cool air of the night. I looked up, noticing the moon in the distance and the stars were brighter than usual.

"Addison?" I breathed, thinking I heard voices.

"Don't they enforce the curfew on this girl?"

"Poor thing. She must be cold," Addison commented.

"What time is it?" I called.

"Only ten," Addison admitted.

"Why are you out here so late?" Wynter asked.

I hung from the den entrance by my hands and swung in. I tossed the coat in and went out. Wyatt, Addison, Willa, and Wynter were waiting for me. I looked at the four of them in confusion.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I was told to get you and come with them," Addison explained.

"Were you just wearing fur?" Willa questioned.

"No. I was just wearing this." I motioned to my outfit. "Can I trust you guys to not lead us in to be food?"

"Who do you think we are?" Wyatt questioned. "You have my word. Come on." Wyatt held out his hand to me.

I shakily took it and we walked into the woods. We walked about a mile before I got curious. I looked around, trying to see my way in the dark. Wyatt smiled at me for a moment as I got startled by something in the bushes.

"You know I'm here to protect you," Wyatt whispered in my ear.

"Where are we going?" Addison asked.

"It's a wolf secret. If we told you, we'd have to kill you," Wynter threatened. "Too much? Too much. I knew it. Sorry. Welcome! But not too welcome." She started coughing again. I rushed over to her and supported under her arm again. I thought the juice I gave her was enough.

"Are you okay?" Addison asked.

"My necklace is losing its charge," Wynter admitted as I boosted her with a little more.

"Every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose their power. All of our elders are too sick to travel, which leaves-"

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me," Willa finished.

"I can tell you've been a great leader, Willa," I said with a small smile.

Willa briefly smiled at me, then looked at Wyatt. "You better be right about this. We need to find the moonstone soon."

"Follow us, girls. Please." Wyatt took my hand again as we walked into the den.

We made it through the entrance. I stopped for a second in amazement. I grinned, marveling at how beautiful the cave was. It looked amazing, with the stars shining above it.

"Our language." Wyatt howled, "Addison! That means welcome."

Addison howled, making the pups around the den laugh.

"Ostrich boots?" Wynter questioned.

"No. I think Addison meant..." Wyatt howled.

Addison howled again, causing me to snort. "Polka dot unicorn?"

"Cool! Where?" Wynter asked, making me smile.

"Oh, no. Sorry. Um..." Addison howled, making me jump back.

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