Chapter 5- Z-Bands

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The last football game of the year. We kept the crowd busy as the team took a timeout. Zed sat on the bench near where we were cheering. Addison grabbed me, and we stood in front of the crowd.

"Give me a 'zom'!" Addison exclaimed.



"Give me a 'bie'!"


Bucky walked up to her, frowning. "You two are way too good of cheerleaders to throw your lives away."

"We're cheering for a change... Bucky." I pushed him away by the chest.

"Don't do it," Bucky threatened.

"Give me a 'zom'!" I exclaimed.



"Give me a 'bie'!"


"I'm warning you."

"What does that spell?"


"Last chance," Bucky spat.

"What does that spell?" Addison questioned.

"You're off the team, freaks!" Bucky shouted.

Bree ran up to our sides, cheering. "You're off the squad, too."

The football game continued. Zed swiped on his Z-Band, but nothing happened. Zed got into position. I was so proud of the fact that he was doing it by himself. He made it to the end of the line before getting tackled.

Everyone who was on top of Zed got off of him and ran away. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Zed got up slowly and tore his helmet off. The Z-Alarm went off. I covered Addison and Bree and ran.

Addison broke away from me and ran to Zed. I watched as my friends were shocked and put in handcuffs. A tear fell down my face. Addison screamed in protest. I ran to grab her as she fought against me.

"Let me go!" Addison screamed in my ear.

"Addi, it's going to be okay. They're just going home. They're going to be okay. I promise," I assured her.

She looked at the crowd of people booing at the zombies. "Hey! You did this to him. All of you! He was your monster. You made him feel like he had to risk his life to belong. Because you couldn't deal with someone different. But you had no problem using him to win your stupid games."

Addison left her head on my shoulder for a moment. She stepped away from me. For a moment, she looked at me. I nodded, knowing what she wanted to do. She tore off her wig, fluffing her layered hair. I grinned, a tear falling down my cheek.

"It's beautiful," I breathed, making her smile.

The crowd booed her, making me walk up to her. She stood there bravely, facing the humiliation. I stood a few feet away, watching her take it all. She didn't crack. I was really proud of her.

If only I could do the same.

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