Chapter 6- Cheer Championship

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I saw the exact zombie I wanted to see by the lockers the next day.

"Zed!" I exclaimed, running up to him.

"What do you, of all people, want?" Zed asked, obviously annoyed.

"I'm really sorry about the game. The Aceys did it. Eliza's computer had camera footage of them talking and logs of the hacks, so they're facing disciplinary action after the championship," I explained. "I really thought Eliza would like to hear that."

Bonzo showed us a paper and muttered something in Zombie tongue.

"Eliza's going to sabotage something?" Zed and I questioned.


"What? The Cheer Championship?"

"Come on! We gotta stop her," I said, grabbing Bonzo's arm.

We got to the stadium a few rounds early. The Eels were cheering. The three of us found Eliza with a few other zombies. They were sabotaging the electrical box. We ran up to her as fast as we could.

"Hey! No, no, no, no, no! Put that away! Stop, stop! Everybody stop!" Zed shouted.

"Ow!" Eliza exclaimed. "Get off of me, you big lug."

"Eliza, you can't do this," I pleaded.

"What? Enjoy the Cheer Championship with some fellow zombies?" Eliza questioned.

"Sabotage," Bonzo said in her ear.

"Sabotage?" Eliza questioned as she was put down. "Wow. I'm deeply offended. I'd never."

Zed and I gave her a look. "Okay, maybe just a little sabotage."

Zed rolled his eyes. "Ruining the Cheer Championship is only gonna prove their worst fears. That zombies are monsters."

"They think that anyway." Addison appeared. "At least you have the guts to stand up for yourself. I say, do it."

"Okay. You know what, Addison? You're not going to change my mi—Wait, you agree with me? Okay, I like this girl." Eliza smiled.

"Sabotage isn't the zombie way. It's not who we are. It's not who you are." Zed looked at Addi and me. "I'm not a monster. I'm a zombie. And you're cheerleaders. You're not gonna change the world through sabotage. You change the world through cheer."

"Okay. Um, so. No sabotage?" Eliza asked.

"No sabotage," Addison and I answered.

"That's not who I am," Addison admitted. "That's not who we are."

"Seabrook's up next!" Bree shouted to us.

We ran to see the show. They barely had half a team. Immediately, one fell.

"The sweetest type of sabotage." Eliza looked at me.

"Self sabotage," I answered, high-fiving her with a smirk.

People laughed. I frowned. The team got cornered. Zoe ran onto the stage, cheering.

"What is she doing?" Bree questioned.

"She's changing things... by cheering," Addison explained.

"But that's not how change works. Okay? You can't just change things with one person and a pair of pom-poms," Eliza reasoned.

"Yeah, you're right. It's gonna take more than just one person," I pointed out.

Addison smiled. "It's gonna take all of us."

"Like they'll ever see us as normal," Eliza scoffed.

"They won't. Because we're not normal," Zed reasoned.

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