Semi finals

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The meeting mainly consists of Serina keeping our minds on tomorrow's game rather than racing ahead to possibly playing the USA in the final. France are a great team and we need to have 100% focus in order to have a chance of winning.

"Y/n do you have a minute?" Serina pulls me to the side as everyone is leaving the meeting room
"Of course" she waits for us to be alone and gestures for me to have a seat once she hears the door click shut
"This isn't easy so I won't sugar coat it but you're not starting tomorrow, with everything that is going on privately I need to trust my players are only focused on tomorrow"
"Sorry, what? I'm playing better every game I am focused"
"I'm not saying you won't play but I need to be able to trust you can handle the pressure"
"How can I prove it without playing?"
"Theres more to being part of this team than the minutes on the pitch" with that she walks away and leaves me alone in the meeting room.

I sit in silence replaying the conversation over in my head getting more and more worked up. I hear the door open and footsteps come closer the last thing I need right now is company.
"I've just seen the team sheet for tomorrow and wanted to check on you" Beth's voice was calm and slow like you would talk to a horse who was about to bolt.
"It's the semi finals Beth, Serina says im not focused but my mind is on the team and helping us win. How is Jordan getting in the way of this too?"
"Hear me out, I'm playing devil's advocate but maybe it's not about her and more about you being distracted with Leah"
"Wow really you think im not focused too? Am I not putting in 110% in training?"
"This team isn't only about training its about supporting each other and having each others backs. You haven't been putting in much effort with the girls since you've been with Leah and that affects the team as well"
I take a deep breath before speaking as I can feel my emotions boiling over, she's the second person in the space of 10 minutes so say that the time off the ball is equally important and they're right I havent been putting in the effort, I miss hanging out with Tooney, Less and G. I don't even know how Beth and Georgia's relationship is going, I've been a bad friend.
"You're right, I'm sorry mate I've been distracted and I didn't even realise it"
"Look accepting criticism is one of the hardest parts of this job, trust me I know but you took it a lot better than I would have at your age"
" it's been an emotional rollercoatsr of a day, I don't think I have the energy to argue" we both laugh and any tension is gone from the room
" I do have tip for you though, when you do get a chance tomorrow play angry, it's the best stress reliever and my revenge tour got me the player of the tournament at the Euros"
"Who could forget your revenge tour - Beth meads on fire, your defence is terrified" I start singing her famous chant
"Great now that's going to be stuck in my head for days"
We head back to our rooms to try to get some sleep for tomorrow

I wake up early leaving Leah in bed, I should get a medal every time I have the strength to leave her warm, soft body rather than wrapping my arms around her and going back to sleep. I go down to the canteen expecting to get an early breakfast on my own, but see Tooney and Less already sat drinking coffee and eating porridge. I get my food and sit down to join them.
"Can't sleep either?" I say as I take my seat
"Ohh hello stranger" Ella says with a little sting
"I know im sorry I've been shit recently I got caught up with everything going on, forgive me?"
" pffft I don't know, we may have to think about it, we've both been pretty hurt. Tooney?
"Yeah up all night we were crying ourselves to sleep thinking if only we had what Leah has she will spend more time with us" I can see them both trying to hold back laughter
" well you can both shut up and stop trying to make me feel worse"
They both start laughing and I'm reminded why we get on so well, they're just good people and easy to be around.
" ahh I have missed you two" I say as the laughter dies down
"We've missed you too! I've had to make all the plans to make Ella jump"
"Speaking of which Less I've got some ideas I'll speak to you about later"
"Ohh right pick on Ella it is now, maybe I havent missed you that much anymore"
We spend the next 30 mins catching up and making jokes before we have to get our things and get on the coach.

It's the 70th minute and we are 1-0 down, we cannot break down their defence and the girls look tired from running back and forward. I have spent the majority of the game in the technical area shouting encouragement and urging the team forward. We have just barely missed conceding another goal by the finger tips of Earps but it's not looking good.
I feel someone standing next time me and turn to see Serina looking deep in thought.
"We can still win this, I know we can" I say out loud to myself
"Y/n do you believe you could make a difference in this game" the question shocked me, she's never asked my opinion on games before especially when we're losing
"Yes but you also have Fran on the bench who could impact the game"
" so you would choose her over you?
"I would choose what's best for the team and your judgement is what's best"
She turns and walks back the bench and whispers for Fran to get ready, we have all been warming up on the side lines so we are ready for any quick change.

As she walks back to me I nod at her, ready to continue to push on the team.
"You're doing a good job here but before you lose your voice, get ready next whistle you're going on. Y/n watch their righback she's quick but she's aggressive run at her and she'll foul you, just make sure it's close enough to give us a chance"

I run back to the bench and take my sub bib off and do some final stretches with Fran on the sidelines
" feeling like a hero today?" She says, it's an inside joke for subs coming on, they either turn out to be heroes or a wrong decision in the eyes of the fans and media.
"Of course, are you?
" Eyes of the world on us, potential world cup final after this game 18 minutes to change our lives, im feeling good"
" no pressure or anything"
Before she could say anything else the ball goes out and we are brought on. Hempo giving me a high five as I come on as her replacement

The next 5 minutes fly by, I try not to look at the clock but I can't help it we haven't been able to get the ball passed the half way line and I'm starting to think we may not be able to get this one back. I can see Leah shouting at  Millie and Rachel trying to control the back line. Kiera is being double marked and doesn't have space to get a pass in.  I see French forward running at Lucy as they are heading to our goal she tugs Lucy's shirt and we get the foul. Leah steps in to take it quick but I catch her eye and shake my head. She stops and places the ball down indicating a long cross and I sit on the shoulder if my marker. Serina was right she's quick but I'm not trying to get passed her. Leah takes the free kick and I watch the ball curve in the air and I take off running, the defender is a step behind but is closing I catch the ball on the outside of my right boot cushioning it down to the ground. I can see the space ahead. I plan my route im pretty sure I can get just outside the penalty box before she catches me. True to form I feel her clip the back of my heel and a push from behind I go down full speed and end up doing a a few rolls on the ground. The whistle blows and immediately the girls are at the ref screaming for a penalty, I try to see where I started falling but because of the rolls I can't make it out. I feel a hand grab mine and a strong tug upwards.
"You should have been a gymnast, didn't quick stick the landing though"
Leah stands next to me with her hands on her hips
" What are you taking about, that would have got 10s across the board" I can see what she's doing, she's trying to joke to avoid the wait while the ref deciding if this is a penalty or not, she's checking VAR as apparently it was right on the line.
The ref blows her whistle and points to the spot and just like that we have a chance.

G takes the ball to the spot, noone else you would rather take an important penalty. SHE SCORES we all rush to her and then get the ball to the center as quick as we can, we need another goal quick none of us want this to go to penalties. The goal has shaken the French team and they start to lose their structure which frees up Kiera. She passes the ball out wide to me and I slip passed the defender, I'm not looking for a foul so I open up to full speed leaving her behind I look across to see Lucy waiting for the ball at the far post but the defenders are waiting for that cross. I decide to ping the ball across the ground back towards the penalty spot where I see Kiera making her run. She catches the ball and sends it to the top right corner and into the back of the net.

"What a time to score your first goal" I shout as she reaches me to celebrate
"Can't let you have all the fun can I"
Thats the last I could hear as the rest of the girls bundle on top of us and the crowd drowns her out

After a final few minutes of keeping the ball in their corner the ref blows the final whistle and I sink to my knees, we have made it to the world cup final.

A/n sorry its been a while I have some time off work now so will be posting more, this story either has 1 or 2 more chapters until its finished but I have plans for a follow up if people are interested, let me know.

Also I hope everyone has a great Christmas

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