Group stages

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It has been a couple days since our kiss and Leah hasn't said more than 3 words to me outside of team talks, she doesn't look at me and has been pretending to be asleep when I get into bed. The cuddling only lasted one night but I could have sworn last night she rolled over and cuddled into me for a few seconds before realising what had happened. I dont know what I have done because she was the one to kiss me. I did accidentally leave a hickey on the bend of her neck where it meets the shoulder and I have had to see her explain this away as a training incident in many interviews. Whoops!

We moved into a room with two beds this morning and I hated the look of relief on her face when she put her stuff on her own bed. I could have easily kept this crush to myself but she was giving me signals and flirting with me. SHE KISSED ME. Was this just a big mistake? I pushed her out of my thoughts and focused on my recovery, I had been in and out of ice baths as often as I could bare and my ankle was nearly back to normal, not quite as bad as we all first thought thankfully. I had heard from the physios that Leah has asked a few times if I am getting back to full health and I had told them that if she wants to know she can ask me herself!

Tonight was our first game in the group stages and Sarina has said that if all goes well in training I could play the last 20 mins off the bench so I gave everything I had into the training session and even earned a smile from the manager.

The time before the match is usually very boring, and involves a lot of waiting round for people to finish their interviews ( luckily noone wants to talk to the new girl) so I spend my time with Tooney and Lessy, two players I have got to know very well over the last few days and have a real friendship with, we sit enjoying each others company listening to music and trying to make each other laugh with impressions of the other girls.

Finally after all the preamble of warming up checking the pitch and last team talks the starting 11 walk out on to the pitch following behind Leah who has her game face on, damn shes so hot. The fist half goes very quickly with both teams having their chances Beth has scored the opener just before the whistle blew so they come in at half time with a lot of energy.

"Well done girls, we have made a dent let's keep chipping away at their back line. We need to be ruthless with the finishing as we should be at least 3 up by now" Leah is straight at it with the team talks everyone is sat around drinking down electrolytes to help rehydrate because although it's autumn here it's still bloody hot!

"Right guys there will be a couple changes during the second half depending on how the games going, I'm hoping to bring y/n on around the 70th minute mark, her ankle is back to full health according to the team but I don't want to push it"
That earned a few woops and cheers from the girls who have been supporting me in my recovery the past few days, I look up and meet Leahs eyes for a split second before she looks away. I have decided to confront her after the game no matter the outcome we needed to get this sorted.

The 15 mins were up and we were back on the pitch, the second half started much quicker than the first and Hemp fires in a second just minutes after the whistle. The girls are celebrating every goal like it is the winner of the final and I can't help but join in, the atmosphere is amazing!
" Right y/n it looks like it's going to plan, I want you to get in there and make a nuisance of yourself, run in between the back line and give Kiera someone to aim for Lauren has done a great job in wearing the defence out take advantage of that" I listen very intently to what Sarina is saying but if I'm honest I'm just too excited to be playing in the world cup so I run down the stairs and wait for the whistle to blow so I can get on.
It wasn't too long before a goal kick is called and the ref indicates the substitution, me and Tooney are both coming in and she gives me a wink before running into her position. I have to wait for Hemp to make her way over but as we are winning she's in no rush. When she gets to me she hugs me and wispers words of encouragement in my ear and before I know it I am playing in front of 80,000 people the biggest crowd I have ever been in front of, I run across the pitch and get in position. The next 10 mins is a lot calmer than the first start of the second half as we have the better possession and pass the ball easily around the pitch. I am doing as instructed and running my defender ragged, after the days off of intense training and only being on for a short amount of time my legs are a lot fresher than hers and not to brag but I am very quick. Kiera is however finding it hard to get the ball my way as the defence have doubled down on her but just as I am thinking of a way to drop back to help she finds a pocket of space so I start to run the ball goes cuts through 2 defenders and is weighted perfectly for me to run onto, just the keeper between me and the goal I put the ball the my right foot and just as I'm about to shoot I feel someone crash into the back of me bringing me down. I get a very strong sense of deja vu and can't help the slight smile and shake of my head. A feel a little throb in my ankle so stay on the floor for it to be checked as I don't want to do any damage by standing. My team run over and check on me but Leah is missing I look around and see her pushing the defender that tackled me
"What the fuck was that you could have broken her ankle, don't you dare go near her again"
She is pulled away by Kiera and Lucy and they are trying to talk her down to prevent her getting carded.
As I'm being checked out I feel Leah looking at me from 100 yards away she looks so worried, I need to get up and tell her I'm okay. I'm giving the all clear and make my way over to her tentatively putting weight on it until I find that it's all good to walk on.
She is shaking with rage when I get to her "you okay, if I remember rightly it was me that was tackled?"
"She didn't even try to get the ball, she wanted to hurt you"
"Hey I'm okay, I've been tackled worse" with that I wink at her hoping to relax her.
"Don't do that"
"Or what?" I raise an eyebrow at her
We are waiting on the VAR to determine if there is a penalty so while the crowd and teams are distracted she moves next to me and covers her mouth with her hand as if giving tactical advice
"You'll find out later if you carry on winking at me and smirking like that"
Then she just walks away like nothing happened and I have to pretend that I can't feel myself getting wet over the girl who is so innocently walking to talk to the ref. Fuck fuck fuck I hope the camera don't pick up on my blush

The penalty is given and I am given the honour on taking it seeing as I got the foul. My mind is very focused on the job at hand and I know by my research that the keeper favours the right as they had knee surgery on their left knee but could that mean she'll know I'll go left ... ughhh I'm thinking too much calm your mind, I close my eyes and I see blue eyes and freckles then I hear the whistle blow. I take a deep breath and send it in the top right corner out of reach. I've just scored my first goal for England and I'm swarmed by my team, as they calm down and head back for the restart I catch Leahs eye and wink at her. She bites her lip then mouths "now you've done it" is my heart beating fast because of the goal or because of the girl either way I can't wait til later.

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