Gal pals

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Leah and I took turns in giving each other orgasms until we were too tired and ended up passing out in each others arms. The day after a match Sarina gives us the morning off to relax and enjoy the win so I get to have a bit of a lay in, that is until my alarm goes off interrupting my very pleasant dreams. I stir and turn the alarm off and roll back, thats when I notice something is wrong and I'm alone in bed. Did I dream last night happened? I get up and go to the bathroom to shower still wondering where Leah is, as soon as I catch myself in the mirror I know that I didn't dream it. My body is covered in hickeys and bite marks and I cant help but smile at the artwork left on me.
"Damn Leah!" I hear the door close and pop my head out of the door
"Did you just call my name" Leah walks in carrying 2 polystyrene take away cartons and a take away cup
I walk out so she can see her work. Instead of answering she smiles and puts the contents in her hands down on the side and lifts her top revealing just as many marks on her body. I start to blush
"Okay fair enough"
"I've brought breakfast up and a cup of tea for you"
"No drink for you? I notice there's only one cup
"I don't drink hot drinks, bad habit"
"I mean you're right but I'm not giving up my tea for anything. I'm going to quickly shower ill only he a couple minutes"

After my shower I came out with just a sports bra and shorts on because I was still hot from the water
"Wow kid you trying to distract me from breakfast"
"Always" I say smirking at her
She stands up with my food in hand and holds it out to me. Before I can get it she pulls in back into her forcing me to close the distance.
" I bring you breakfast and I don't get a kiss?"  I put my hand on her cheek and the other around her waist and slowly stand on tip toes to bring our lips together, just before they touch though I move the hand from around her waist and grab the food container in her hand and take a few steps back leaving her standing still waiting for the kiss. I open the container and start eating the breakfast.
"Thank you for breakfast"
"You're welcome, but what was that?"
"Well I woke up all alone no kisses for me then none for you" she runs at me and grabs the food from my hands and throws it to the floor luckily the lid was closed. She lifts me and throws me back in the bed and then jumps on top of knees either side of my hips pinning me in place as she starts to tickle me
"Nooo Leah, please stopp haha ughh no"
"Say you're sorry for not kissing me"
"Never ohh no stop!" She continues her attack as and I can barely catch my breath as I laugh uncontrollably
"Say it and I'll stop" she is loving this
"Im" i can barely get the words out
"Yes ..."
"SORRY, I'm sorry now please stop" she stops tickling me and my stomach is aching from tensing so much
"Now should we try that again?"  She stands up and helps me to my feet and this time when I stretch up our lips meet and I feel the electric tingle pass between us, our mouths find a steady rhythm of give and take.

I could do this for hours but we are interrupted by a knock at the door and it was like Leah had been slapped in the face she pushes me away faster than I can even open my eyes and suddenly she is throwing a t shirt at me.
" put that on quick" I do as she says but I'm very confused, once I am covered up she opens the door to Lucy and Kiera standing there
" you two okay you weren't at breakfast?" Lucy walks in and sits on the end of the bed
"Yeah all good just slept in, missed breakfast I had to sweet talk the kitchen into packing some up for us" Leah is talking very quickly and is looking around the room, for what signs of sexual activities? Is she really uncomfortable about us?
"Ohh right that's unlike you" Kiera is looking at Leah no, more like examining her, they have been friends since they were kids she knows when she's acting strangely.
"Trusted this one to set an alarm, last time I'll be doing that ha!" She points at me but I'm but going along with this act, she may not want to tell people that's fine but don't drag me into a lie
"I'm going to head to the weights room I'll catch up with you later at training" I grab my gym bag and head down stairs.

Halfway there Lucy catches up to me with her workout bag over her shoulder
"Do you mind if I join you I want to get some weights in before training later"
"Yeah of course" we walk in silence the rest of the way but I can feel her looking at me. We get to the weights room and it is only us there which is unusual, the rest of the girls must be out exploring with their free time.
"Y/n tell me to mind my business but you and Leah?"
"What about me and Leah?" That came out a little harsher than intended but I was annoyed she pushed me away like she was ashamed of me. Lucy didn't reply straight away so I started stretching out my ankle
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything but Kiera and I are in the room next to you and the walls are pretty thin but then seeing her with you in the room she seemed odd" Shit she's saying she heard us last night, my face turned a lovely shade of red I had to look away.
"Nooo I didn't mean to embarrass you I was just making sure you're okay, I know Leah she doesn't mean to but she pushes people she cares about away"
"Yeah im beginning to understand that's her pattern"
"Give her time and talk to her, you need to get her out of her head so she can't over think it"
"I will, thank you and thank you for being so welcoming to me you girls are starting to feel like a second family for me now"
"Anytime but can I ask you something"
" of course"
" try to keep the volume down" she winks at me and the red returns straight back to my face

We train together for the next hour, she tells me about other tournaments she been in and her experience with the media and the pressures of playing for England. She and I are going to be good friends I know it.

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