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Y/ns pov

This day has been a fucking rollercoaster it started out so good and has ended up with me being lead to the games room by Hempo to talk about the kiss. You could have given me a week to predict today's events and I would never have gotten it right. Beth and G were so understanding when I said we needed to swap back if a little disappointed, I will make it up to them but I needed space from Leah she's really hurt me.

Lauren leads the way inside the room which luckily is empty of people because this will be strange enough without and audience. We sit down in the bean bag chairs we usually sit on the watch the games. I'm hoping this won't be as awkward as I think it will.
"So I just wanted to talk to you about earlier" I can see a little blush creeping into her cheeks and the smile playing on her lips.
"Yeah I didn't see that coming" I'm still angry with Leah but I can't let that show, Lauren didn't do anything wrong and I don't want to upset her
"Ohh really, well I've been watching you since the training match when the team sheets went up"
"So youre stalking me?" I wink at her so she knows I'm kidding
"Ha well no, good one! I was hoping that we would be roomed together but then I heard Leah arranged the room changes"
" Captains orders" I say and shrug my shoulders
"When I couldn't room with you I've been trying to spend time with you 1 on 1 but whenever I try Kiera or Lucy always need me for something and then I see you with Leah all the time" unfortunately Leahs wing women wasted their time keeping Hempo away
"I'm sorry I didn't realise, you should have said something we could have hung out" I do really like Lauren and she's not exactly hard on the eyes, who's knows what would have happened?
"I thought I was making it obvious, literally everyone knew" maybe Leah was right about me not noticing
"I've been told I'm oblivious to how people see me, I'm sorry"
"Don't apologies, that kiss was uggh I havent stopped smiling since"
"Well I aim to please, I shouldn't have run off you just weren't the person I was expecting"  I see her face drop but I can't string her along
"Really? Who were you expecting?"
"I can't say but I'm sorry I am seeing someone, well was, it's complicated but I'm not in the right place to be who you deserve me to be"  she looks so sad and I feel awful for hurting her when she was so happy a moment ago.
"Don't be sorry, of course you're seeing someone. I hope she knows she's very lucky"  I have to laugh other wise I would start crying again
"Yeah not so much but I'm not ready to let it go fully just yet"
" Thank you for being honest with me, I hope this hasn't ruined our friendship"
"Don't be silly, if anything it's brought us closer. I'm here for you if you need me and I can chat you up to people telling them how good a kisser you are" that brings the blush is back, a little flirting to ease the tension doesn't hurt. I stand up from the bean bag and pull her up too.
"Hug it out?"
"I think that's a must" I pull her into me just as the door opens and Leah walks in. Her hair is still wet and has gone a little curly, she's wearing a white top that is going see through from the droplets off her hair which show that she isn't wearing a bra. She has shorts on but they are low on her hips so a line of her stomach is showing.
"Not disturbing you two am I?" She stands one arm resting on the door frame.  From her point of view it must have looked like I was pulling Hempo in for a kiss because the look of pain flashed over her before she regained composure
"Not at all Leah, are you going to join us? Thank God Lauren didn't know the background so she could inject some normalcy in the situation
"What we're you doing exactly? It looked very cozy" she was staring straight at me as she spoke
"Ahh you know just getting to know each other on a more intimate level" I saw her jaw clench and she shifted positions. She brushed her hair from over her shoulder which meant I could see through her top and make out her nipple which was hard from the cool water seeping through. She must have noticed me looking as she cleared her throat and had a smug look on her face when I met her eyes
"Lauren do you mind giving us a sec please mate, I need to talk to y/n about our room situation looks like there's been a bit of a mix up "
"Yeah of course, I'll catch you both later"
She starts towards the door but stops and looks back to me
"Ohh and y/n thank you for the chat I'm glad I have you" obviously I knew that she meant as a friends but Leah steps towards her and practically guides her out the door and closes it behind her.
"So she has you now? That was quick"
"Not that it's any of your business but I told her that I just want to be friends" her shoulders ease and she walks towards me
"I'm sorry Kid I ju.."
"Why are you here anyway, did I take some of your clothes? I'll give them to Beth when I get to it"
"That's not why I'm here, I want to apologise... I fucked up and should never have called things off" why was she playing with me like this my head is spinning so I lean up against the side for support
"I don't understand Leah you told me you and Jordan were back on"
"I know but I lied I told her earlier that we were over and that I was seeing someone"  she is taking slow steps towards me as if I'm a animal she is trying to calm
"I want you" she takes a step
"All of you" another step
"I will do anything to get you to forgive me" another step
"Please?" She stops right in front of me and I look into her eyes that are pleading with me to forgive her.
Without another word she leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips, it was so gentle and tentative that it felt like a butterfly's wing had brushed against them. When I don't pull away she kisses me again, this time firmer, looking for the answers I havent given her. I let myself give in to it and let her kiss me, It feels so long since her I have felt her lips on mine.
"It has to be me that ends this" I hear her voice in my head and get a flash of her hardened eyes. I pull away and step back from her
"Leah" it comes out as a breath and I touch my fingertips to my lips
"I'm sorry I had to I couldn't stand someone else being the last person you kissed" I continue to back up heading towards the other door
"Y/n please don't go, talk this out with me" I stop a few steps from the door
"It's always on your terms, you can't pick me up and drop me whenever you want and kiss me because you're jealous that someone else kissed me last"
"That's not what I meant"
"I'm not yours Leah you made that clear, I may not be entertaining Lauren but that sure as hell doesn't mean you get me back that easily"
"I didn't think it did, I'll work everyday at proving how sorry I am"
"I can't forgive you yet but I want to, let's take it day by day"
"Okay I can do that" I start backing up again but stop just before the door
"The wet hair and white top was a very clever move, it almost made forget what had happened ....almost" with that I left her standing alone now its time for her to start grafting

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