Chapter Six

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I SLOWLY OPENED MY EYES and sat up on the bed, holding the top of the blanket to my chest.

Where was I?

As looked around the room, I met Thomas peacefully sleeping beside me with his arm wrapped around my nude body underneath the blanket.


I hugged the blanket tighter to myself.


I gritted my teeth and turned to stare at Thomas again. I hoped deep down in me that he wouldn't leave me. I would try my best to give him all that he needed, even if it wasn't easy for me.

Gently taking his arm off my waist, I got up from the bed and picked my brasserie on the floor. No matter how many times I slept with him, it was always weird being naked around him.

"Babe," I heard him faintly say.

"Yes?" I answered, not turning around to stare at him.

"Are you leaving?"

I clipped the hook of my bra and wore it on, "Yeah, I've got to go to work."

I awkwardly crouched on the floor and picked up my underwear, praying within me that he would not notice the stretch marks on my ass. I cringed in disgust. That would be so embarrassing.

"Can't you skip work just for today?" He asked.

"If I do that, they're going to cut my pay and I don't want that," I firmly said, putting on my skirt as I still backed him, "Hey, Tom, could you lend me a white shirt?"


I heard the bedframe creak softly as Thomas got up. He suddenly grabbed my waist from behind, pulling me along with him to his wardrobe.

"But you know, a normal girlfriend would just walk over to her boyfriend's wardrobe and take whatever she wants," Thomas added as he drew out a plain white shirt.

A normal girlfriend.

"Oh, really?" I asked, staring at him.

He dropped his shirt on my shoulders and kissed my forehead, "Yes."

Then, I had better act fast with winning the bet against that monster, so I would become a normal girlfriend to him. If I could get that makeover from Annabelle and finally be able to find something good about myself, I'd be set free and I'd never see that beast in the mirror again.

I slipped my arms into the sleeves of Thomas's shirt, while he left me to get dressed.

I couldn't wait to win.

I picked up my bag from the floor and turned to Thomas, watching him buckle his belt as he sat on the very edge of the bed. Man! Every action of his was artistic, pure sweet art. I was so elated to be called the girlfriend of this hot guy before me.

Jealous? You should be.

"I want to take my leave now," I said to him after I buttoned up the oversized shirt I had on.

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